Condensation Phenomena in Nano-Pores - a Monte Carlo Study

الملخص بالإنكليزية

The non-equilibrium dynamics of condensation phenomena in nano-pores is studied via Monte Carlo simulation of a lattice gas model. Hysteretic behavior of the particle density as a function of the density of a reservoir is obtained for various pore geometries in two and three dimensions. The shape of the hysteresis loops depend on the characteristics of the pore geometry. The evaporation of particles from a pore can be fitted to a stretched exponential decay of the particle density $rho_f(t) sim exp [ -(t/tau)^beta]$. Phase separation dynamics inside the pore is effectively described by a random walk of the non-wetting phases. Domain evolution is significantly slowed down in presence of random wall-particle potential and gives rise to a temperature dependent growth exponent. On the other hand roughness of the pore wall only delays the onset of a pure domain growth.

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