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The Optical Gravitational Lensing Experiment. Internet Access to the OGLE Photometry Data Set: OGLE-II BVI maps and I-band data

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 نشر من قبل Michal Szymanski
 تاريخ النشر 2006
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف M.K. Szymanski

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We present on-line, interactive interface to the whole I-band photometry data set obtained in the second phase of the OGLE project (OGLE-II). The raw photometric database is accessed through an additional database using MySQL engine, allowing to select objects fulfilling any set of criteria including RA/Dec coordinates, mean brightness, error etc. The results of the queries can be browsed on-line, the light curves can be plotted interactively, the photometric data can be downloaded for the total of over 10^10 measurements of more than 40 million objects in the Galactic bulge and the Magellanic Clouds collected during OGLE-II. The MySQL database of parameters also includes the complete data set of the previously published photometric BVI maps of OGLE-II targets, allowing to interactively select objects from these maps.

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We describe methods applied to the final photometric reductions and calibrations to the standard system of the images collected during the third phase of the Optical Gravitational Lensing Experiment survey - OGLE-III. Astrometric reduction methods ar e also presented. The OGLE-III data constitute a unique data set covering the Magellanic Clouds, Galactic bulge and Galactic disk fields monitored regularly every clear night since 2001 and being significant extension and continuation of the earlier OGLE observations. With the earlier OGLE-II and OGLE-I photometry some of the observed fields have now 16-year long photometric coverage.
We present OGLE-III Photometric Maps of the Galactic disk fields observed during the OGLE-III campaigns for low luminosity transiting objects that led to the discovery of the first transiting exoplanets. The maps contain precise, calibrated VI photom etry of about 9 million stars from 21 OGLE-III fields in the Galactic disk observed in the years 2002-2009 and covering more than 7 square degrees in the sky. Precise astrometry of these objects is also provided. We discuss quality of the data and present a few color-magnitude diagrams of the observed fields. All photometric data are available to the astronomical community from the OGLE Internet archive.
257 - M. K. Szymanski 2011
We present OGLE-III Photometric Maps of the Galactic bulge fields observed during the third phase of the OGLE project. This paper describes the last, concluding set of maps based on OGLE-III data. The maps contain precise, calibrated VI photometry of about 340 million stars from 267 fields in the Galactic bulge observed during entire OGLE-III phase (2002-2009), covering about 92 square degrees in the sky. Precise astrometry of these objects is also provided. We briefly discuss the photometry procedures and the quality of the data. We also present sample data and color-magnitude diagrams of the observed fields. All photometric data are available to the astronomical community from the OGLE Internet archive.
We present the OGLE-III Photometric Maps of the Large Magellanic Cloud. They cover about 40 square degrees of the LMC and contain mean, calibrated VI photometry and astrometry of about 35 million stars observed during seven observing seasons of the t hird phase of the Optical Gravitational Lensing Experiment - OGLE-III. We discuss the quality of data and present color-magnitude diagrams of selected fields. The OGLE-III Photometric Maps of the LMC are available to the astronomical community from the OGLE Internet archive.
We present both the technical overview and main science drivers of the fourth phase of the Optical Gravitational Lensing Experiment (hereafter OGLE-IV). OGLE-IV is currently one of the largest sky variability surveys worldwide, targeting the densest stellar regions of the sky. The survey covers over 3000 square degrees in the sky and monitors regularly over a billion sources. The main targets include the inner Galactic Bulge and the Magellanic System. Their photometry spans the range of $12<I<21$ mag and $13<I<21.7$ mag, respectively. Supplementary shallower Galaxy Variability Survey covers the extended Galactic bulge and 2/3 of the whole Galactic disk within the magnitude range of $10<I<19$ mag. All OGLE-IV surveys provide photometry with milli-magnitude accuracy at the bright end. The cadence of observations varies from 19-60 minutes in the inner Galactic bulge to 1-3 days in the remaining Galactic bulge fields, Magellanic System and the Galactic disk. OGLE-IV provides the astronomical community with a number of real time services. The Early Warning System (EWS) contains information on two thousand gravitational microlensing events being discovered in real time annually, the OGLE Transient Detection System (OTDS) delivers over 200 supernovae a year. We also provide the real time photometry of unpredictable variables such as optical counterparts to the X-ray sources and R CrB stars. Hundreds of thousands new variable stars have already been discovered and classified by the OGLE survey. The number of new detections will be at least doubled during the current OGLE-IV phase. The survey was designed and optimized primarily to conduct the second generation microlensing survey for exoplanets. It has already contributed significantly to the increase of the discovery rate of microlensing exoplanets and free-floating planets.
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