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The Two Micron All-Sky Survey: Removing the Infrared Foreground

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 نشر من قبل John E. Gizis
 تاريخ النشر 2000
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We introduce the properties of the Two Micron All-Sky Survey (2MASS) survey for IAU Symposium 204. 2MASS is a near-infrared survey of the entire sky characterized by high reliability and completeness. Catalogs and images for 47% of the sky are now available online. This data release has been used by Wright (2000) and Cambresy et al. (2000) to subtract the stellar foreground at 1.25 and 2.2 microns from COBE DIRBE data, revealing the cosmological near-infrared background.

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We present the culmination of our near-infrared survey of the optically spectroscopically identified white dwarf stars from the McCook & Sion catalog, conducted using photometric data from the Two Micron All Sky Survey final All Sky Data Release. The color-selection technique, which identifies candidate binaries containing a white dwarf and a low mass stellar (or sub-stellar) companion via their distinctive locus in the near-infrared color-color diagram, is demonstrated to be simple to apply and to yield candidates with a high rate of subsequent confirmation. We recover 105 confirmed binaries, and identify 28 firm candidates (20 of which are new to this work) and 21 tentative candidates (17 of which are new to this work) from the 2MASS data. Only a small number of candidates from our survey have likely companion spectral types later than M5, none of which is an obvious L type (i.e., potential brown dwarf) companion. Only one previously known WD + brown dwarf binary is detected. This result is discussed in the context of the 2MASS detection limits, as well as other recent observational surveys that suggest a very low rate of formation (or survival) for binary stars with extreme mass ratios.
We cross correlate the well-defined and very complete spectroscopic Main Galaxy Sample (MGS) of 156,000 bright (r<17.5 mag) galaxies from the SDSS with 2MASS sources to explore the nature and completeness of the 2MASS K-band selection of nearby galax ies. 2MASS detects 90% of the MGS brighter than r=17 mag. For r<16, 93.1% of the MGS is found in the 2MASS Extended Source Catalog (XSC). These detections span the representative range of optical and near-IR galaxy properties, but with a surface brightness-dependent bias to preferentially miss the most blue and low-concentration sources, consistent with the most morphologically late-type galaxy population. An XSC completeness of 97.5% is achievable at bright magnitudes, with blue LSBs being the only major source of incompleteness, if one follows our careful matching criteria and weeds out spurious SDSS sources. We conclude that the rapid drop in XSC completeness at r>16 reflects the sharp surface-brightness limit of the extended source detection algorithm in 2MASS. As a result, the r>16 galaxies found in the XSC are over-representative in red early types and under-representative in blue latetypes. At r>16 the XSC suffers an additional selection effect from the 2-3 spatial resolution limit of 2MASS. Therefore, 2MASS continues to detect 90% of of the MGS at 16<r<17, but with a growing fraction found in the Point Source Catalog (PSC) only. Overall, one third of the MGS is detected in the 2MASS PSC but not the XSC. A combined K<13.57 and r<16 selection provides the most representative inventory of galaxies in the local cosmos with near-IR and optical measurements, and 90.8% completeness. Using data from SDSS-DR2, this sample contains 19,156 galaxies with a median redshift of 0.052. (abridged)
326 - Xuefang Xu , Di Li , Y.Sophia Dai 2020
We have analyzed the rotational properties of 12 clumps using $^{13}$CO (1--0) and C$^{18}$O (1--0) maps of the Five College Radio Astronomy Observatory 13.7 m radio telescope. The clumps, located within molecular clouds, have radii ($R$) in the rang e of 0.06 -- 0.27,pc. The direction of clump elongation is not correlated with the direction of the velocity gradient. We measured the specific angular momentum (J/M) to be between 0.0022 and 0.025 pc,km,s$^{-1}$ based on $^{13}$CO images, and between 0.0025 and 0.021 pc,km,s$^{-1}$ based on C$^{18}$O images. The consistency of $J/M$ based on different tracers indicates the $^{13}$CO and C$^{18}$O in dense clumps trace essentially the same material despite significantly different opacities. We also found that $J/M$ increases monotonically as a function of $R$ in power--law form, $J/M~propto~R^{1.58~pm~0.11}$. The ratio between rotation energy and gravitational energy, $beta$, ranges from 0.0012 to 0.018. The small values of $beta$ imply that rotation alone is not sufficient to support the clump against gravitational collapse.
190 - Joshua S. Bloom 2009
We are proposing to conduct a multicolor, synoptic infrared (IR) imaging survey of the Northern sky with a new, dedicated 6.5-meter telescope at San Pedro Martir (SPM) Observatory. This initiative is being developed in partnership with astronomy inst itutions in Mexico and the University of California. The 4-year, dedicated survey, planned to begin in 2017, will reach more than 100 times deeper than 2MASS. The Synoptic All-Sky Infrared (SASIR) Survey will reveal the missing sample of faint red dwarf stars in the local solar neighborhood, and the unprecedented sensitivity over such a wide field will result in the discovery of thousands of z ~ 7 quasars (and reaching to z > 10), allowing detailed study (in concert with JWST and Giant Segmented Mirror Telescopes) of the timing and the origin(s) of reionization. As a time-domain survey, SASIR will reveal the dynamic infrared universe, opening new phase space for discovery. Synoptic observations of over 10^6 supernovae and variable stars will provide better distance measures than optical studies alone. SASIR also provides significant synergy with other major Astro2010 facilities, improving the overall scientific return of community investments. Compared to optical-only measurements, IR colors vastly improve photometric redshifts to z ~ 4, enhancing dark energy and dark matter surveys based on weak lensing and baryon oscillations. The wide field and ToO capabilities will enable a connection of the gravitational wave and neutrino universe - with events otherwise poorly localized on the sky - to transient electromagnetic phenomena.
78 - Paul S. Smith 2003
Highly polarized QSOs discovered in the Two-Micron All Sky Survey (2MASS) have been observed to determine the source(s) of optical polarization in this near-infrared color-selected sample. Broad emission lines are observed in the polarized flux spect ra of most objects, and the polarization of the lines is at about the same level and position angle as the continuum. Generally, the continuum is bluer and the broad-line Balmer decrement is smaller in polarized light than for the spectrum of total flux. Narrow emission lines are much less polarized than the broad lines and continuum for all polarized objects. These properties favor scattering by material close to a partially obscured and reddened active nucleus, but exterior to the regions producing the broad-line emission, as the source of polarized flux in 2MASS QSOs. The largely unpolarized narrow-line features require that the electrons or dust polarizing the light be located at distances from the nucleus not much greater than the extent of the narrow emission-line region. In addition to known high-polarization objects, four 2MASS QSOs with AGN spectral types of 1.9 and 2 were observed to search for hidden broad emission-line regions. Broad lines were detected in polarized light for two of these objects, and the polarizing mechanism appears to be the same for these objects as for the highly polarized QSOs in the sample that readily show broad emission lines in their spectra. The observations also show that starlight from the host galaxy contributes a significant amount of optical flux, especially for the narrow-line objects, and support the suggestion that many 2MASS QSOs are measured to have low polarization simply because of dilution of the polarized AGN light by the host galaxy.
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