Majorana quanta, string scattering, curved spacetimes and the Riemann Hypothesis

الملخص بالإنكليزية

The Riemann Hypothesis states that the Riemann zeta function $zeta(z)$ admits a set of non-trivial zeros that are complex numbers supposed to have real part $1/2$. Their distribution on the complex plane is thought to be the key to determine the number of prime numbers before a given number. We analyze two approaches. In the first approach, suggested by Hilbert and Polya, one has to find a suitable Hermitian or unitary operator whose eigenvalues distribute like the zeros of $zeta(z)$. In the other approach one instead compares the distribution of the zeta zeros and the poles of the scattering matrix $S$ of a system. We apply the infinite-components Majorana equation in a Rindler spacetime to both methods and then focus on the $S$-matrix approach describing the bosonic open string for tachyonic states. In this way we can explain the still unclear point for which the poles and zeros of the $S$-matrix overlaps the zeros of $zeta(z)$ and exist always in pairs and related via complex conjugation. This occurs because of the relationship between the angular momentum and energy/mass eigenvalues of Majorana states and from the analysis of the dynamics of the poles of $S$. As shown in the literature, if this occurs, then the Riemann Hypothesis can in principle be satisfied.

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