IGO-QNN: Quantum Neural Network Architecture for Inductive Grover Oracularization

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We propose a novel paradigm of integration of Grovers algorithm in a machine learning framework: the inductive Grover oracular quantum neural network (IGO-QNN). The model defines a variational quantum circuit with hidden layers of parameterized quantum neurons densely connected via entangle synapses to encode a dynamic Grovers search oracle that can be trained from a set of database-hit training examples. This widens the range of problem applications of Grovers unstructured search algorithm to include the vast majority of problems lacking analytic descriptions of solution verifiers, allowing for quadratic speed-up in unstructured search for the set of search problems with relationships between input and output spaces that are tractably underivable deductively. This generalization of Grovers oracularization may prove particularly effective in deep reinforcement learning, computer vision, and, more generally, as a feature vector classifier at the top of an existing model.

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