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Estimating Magnetic Filling Factors From Simultaneous Spectroscopy and Photometry: Disentangling Spots, Plage, and Network

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 نشر من قبل Timothy Milbourne
 تاريخ النشر 2021
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف T. W. Milbourne

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State of the art radial velocity (RV) exoplanet searches are limited by the effects of stellar magnetic activity. Magnetically active spots, plage, and network regions each have different impacts on the observed spectral lines, and therefore on the apparent stellar RV. Differentiating the relative coverage, or filling factors, of these active regions is thus necessary to differentiate between activity-driven RV signatures and Doppler shifts due to planetary orbits. In this work, we develop a technique to estimate feature-specific magnetic filling factors on stellar targets using only spectroscopic and photometric observations. We demonstrate linear and neural network implementations of our technique using observations from the solar telescope at HARPS-N, the HK Project at the Mt. Wilson Observatory, and the Total Irradiance Monitor onboard SORCE. We then compare the results of each technique to direct observations by the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO). Both implementations yield filling factor estimates that are highly correlated with the observed values. Modeling the solar RVs using these filling factors reproduces the expected contributions of the suppression of convective blueshift and rotational imbalance due to brightness inhomogeneities. Both implementations of this technique reduce the overall activity-driven RMS RVs from 1.64 m/s to 1.02 m/s, corresponding to a 1.28 m/s reduction in the RMS variation. The technique provides an additional 0.41 m/s reduction in the RMS variation compared to traditional activity indicators.

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اقرأ أيضاً

Low-mass stars are known to have magnetic fields that are believed to be of dynamo origin. Two complementary techniques are principally used to characterise them. Zeeman-Doppler imaging (ZDI) can determine the geometry of the large-scale magnetic fie ld while Zeeman broadening can assess the total unsigned flux including that associated with small-scale structures such as spots. In this work, we study a sample of stars that have been previously mapped with ZDI. We show that the average unsigned magnetic flux follows an activity-rotation relation separating into saturated and unsaturated regimes. We also compare the average photospheric magnetic flux recovered by ZDI, $langle B_Vrangle$, with that recovered by Zeeman broadening studies, $langle B_Irangle$. In line with previous studies, $langle B_Vrangle$ ranges from a few % to $sim$20% of $langle B_Irangle$. We show that a power law relationship between $langle B_Vrangle$ and $langle B_Irangle$ exists and that ZDI recovers a larger fraction of the magnetic flux in more active stars. Using this relation, we improve on previous attempts to estimate filling factors, i.e. the fraction of the stellar surface covered with magnetic field, for stars mapped only with ZDI. Our estimated filling factors follow the well-known activity-rotation relation which is in agreement with filling factors obtained directly from Zeeman broadening studies. We discuss the possible implications of these results for flux tube expansion above the stellar surface and stellar wind models.
We compare the properties of kG magnetic structures in the solar network and in active region plage at high spatial resolution. Our analysis used six SP scans of the solar disc centre aboard Hinode SOT and inverted the obtained spectra of the photosp heric 6302 AA line pair using the 2D SPINOR code. Photospheric magnetic field concentrations in network and plage areas are on average 1.5 kG strong with inclinations of 10-20 degrees, and have <400 m/s internal and 2-3 km/s external downflows. At the disc centre, the continuum intensity of magnetic field concentrations in the network are on average 10% brighter than the mean quiet Sun, whilst their plage counterparts are 3% darker. A more detailed analysis revealed that all sizes of individual kG patches in the network have 150 G higher field strengths on average, 5% higher continuum contrasts, and 800 m/s faster surrounding downflows than similarly sized patches in the plage. The speed of the surrounding downflows also correlates with the patch area, and patches containing pores can produce supersonic flows exceeding 11 km/s in individual pixels. Furthermore, the magnetic canopies of kG patches are on average 9 degrees more horizontal in the plage compared to the network. Most of the differences between the network and plage are due to their different patch size distributions, but the intrinsic differences between similarly sized patches is likely results from the modification of the convection photospheric convection with increasing amounts of magnetic flux.
Measuring the physical properties of galaxies such as redshift frequently requires the use of Spectral Energy Distributions (SEDs). SED template sets are, however, often small in number and cover limited portions of photometric color space. Here we p resent a new method to estimate SEDs as a function of color from a small training set of template SEDs. We first cover the mathematical background behind the technique before demonstrating our ability to reconstruct spectra based upon colors and then compare to other common interpolation and extrapolation methods. When the photometric filters and spectra overlap we show reduction of error in the estimated spectra of over 65% compared to the more commonly used techniques. We also show an expansion of the method to wavelengths beyond the range of the photometric filters. Finally, we demonstrate the usefulness of our technique by generating 50 additional SED templates from an original set of 10 and applying the new set to photometric redshift estimation. We are able to reduce the photometric redshifts standard deviation by at least 22.0% and the outlier rejected bias by over 86.2% compared to original set for z $leq$ 3.
124 - Adam F. Kowalski 2013
We present a homogeneous survey of line and continuum emission from near-ultraviolet (NUV) to optical wavelengths during twenty M dwarf flares with simultaneous, high cadence photometry and spectra. These data were obtained to study the white-light c ontinuum components at bluer and redder wavelengths than the Balmer jump. Our goals were to break the degeneracy between emission mechanisms that have been fit to broadband colors of flares and to provide constraints for radiative-hydrodynamic (RHD) flare models that seek to reproduce the white-light flare emission. The main results from the continuum analysis are the following: 1) the detection of Balmer continuum (in emission) that is present during all flares and with a wide range of relative contributions to the continuum flux at bluer wavelengths than the Balmer jump; 2) a blue continuum at flare maximum that is linearly decreasing with wavelength from lambda = 4000-4800AA, matched by the spectral shape of hot, blackbody emission with typical temperatures of T_{BB}~9000-14,000 K; 3) a redder continuum apparent at wavelengths longer than Hbeta (lambda > 4900AA) which becomes relatively more important to the energy budget during the late gradual phase. We calculate Balmer jump flux ratios and compare to RHD model spectra. The model ratios are too large and the blue-optical (lambda = 4000-4800AA) slopes are too red in both the impulsive and gradual decay phases of all twenty flares. This discrepancy implies that further work is needed to understand the heating at high column mass during dMe flares. (Abridged)
We conduct a series of comparisons between spectroscopic and photometric observations of globular clusters and stellar models to examine their predictive power. Data from medium-to-high resolution spectroscopic surveys of lithium allow us to investig ate first dredge-up and extra mixing in two clusters well separated in metallicity. Abundances at first dredge-up are satisfactorily reproduced but there is preliminary evidence to suggest that the models overestimate the luminosity at which the surface composition first changes in the lowest-metallicity system. Our models also begin extra mixing at luminosities that are too high, demonstrating a significant discrepancy with observations at low metallicity. We model the abundance changes during extra mixing as a thermohaline process and determine that the usual diffusive form of this mechanism cannot simultaneously reproduce both the carbon and lithium observations. Hubble Space Telescope photometry provides turnoff and bump magnitudes in a large number of globular clusters and offers the opportunity to better test stellar modelling as function of metallicity. We directly compare the predicted main-sequence turn-off and bump magnitudes as well as the distance-independent parameter $Delta M_V ~^{rm{MSTO}}_{rm{bump}}$. We require 15 Gyr isochrones to match the main-sequence turn-off magnitude in some clusters and cannot match the bump in low-metallicity systems. Changes to the distance modulus, metallicity scale and bolometric corrections may impact on the direct comparisons but $Delta M_V ~^{rm{MSTO}}_{rm{bump}}$, which is also underestimated from the models, can only be improved through changes to the input physics. Overshooting at the base of the convective envelope with an efficiency that is metallicity dependent is required to reproduce the empirically determined value of $Delta M_V ~^{rm{MSTO}}_{rm{bump}}$.
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