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Critical Assemblies: Dragon Burst Assembly and Solution Assemblies

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 نشر من قبل R. Kimpland
 تاريخ النشر 2021
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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This work reviewed the historical literature associated with the Dragon experiment and Water Boiler reactors operated at Los Alamos during the Manhattan Project. Frischs invited talk given at the Fast Burst Reactor Conference held the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque, NM in 1969 is quoted. From the literature review, basic models for the Dragon experiment and for a Water Boiler type assembly (aqueous homogeneous reactor) were created that can be used for conducting multi-physics simulations for criticality excursion studies. This methodology utilizes the coupled neutronic-hydrodynamic method to perform a time-dependent dynamic simulation of a criticality excursion. MCNP was utilized to calculate important nuclear kinetic parameters that were incorporated into the models. Simulation results compared reasonably well with historic data.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

Surface quantum error-correcting codes are the leading proposal for fault-tolerance within quantum computers. We present OpenSurgery, a scalable tool for the preparation of circuits protected by the surface code operated through lattice surgery. Latt ice surgery is considered a resource efficient method to implement surface code computations. Resource efficiency refers to the number of physical qubits and the time necessary for executing a quantum computation. OpenSurgery is a first step towards methods that aid quantum algorithm design informed by the realities of the hardware architectures. OpenSurgery can: 1) lay out arbitrary quantum circuits, 2) estimate the quantum resources used for their execution, 3) visualise the resulting 3D topological assemblies. Source code is available at http://www.github.com/alexandrupaler/opensurgery.
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148 - `Oscar Iglesias 2012
In this contribution, we will present a review of our works on the time dependence of magnetization in nanoparticle systems starting from non-interacting systems, presenting a general theoretical framework for the analysis of relaxation curves which is based on the so-called $svar$ scaling method. We will detail the basics and explain its range of validity, showing also its application in experimental measurements of magnetic relaxation. We will also discuss how it can be applied to determine the energy barrier distributions responsible for the relaxation. Next, we will show how the proposed methodology can be extended to include dipolar interactions between the nanoparticles. A thorough presentation of the method will be presented as exemplified for a 1D chain of interacting spins, with emphasis put on showing the microscopic origin of the observed macroscopic time dependence of the magnetization. Experimental application examples will be given showing that the validity of the method is not limited to 1D case.
Many living systems use assemblies of soft and slender structures whose deflections allow them to mechanically probe their immediate environment. In this work, we study the collective response of artificial soft hair assemblies to a shear flow by ima ging their deflections. At all hair densities, the deflection is found to be proportional to the local shear stress with a proportionality factor that decreases with density. The measured collective stiffening of hairs is modeled both with a microscopic elastohydrodynamic model that takes into account long range hydrodynamic hair-hair interactions and a phenomenological model that treats the hair assemblies as an effective porous medium. While the microscopic model is in reasonable agreement with the experiments at low hair density, the phenomenological model is found to be predictive across the entire density range.
How can we manipulate the topological connectivity of a three-dimensional prismatic assembly to control the number of internal degrees of freedom and the number of connected components in it? To answer this question in a deterministic setting, we use ideas from elementary number theory to provide a hierarchical deterministic protocol for the control of rigidity and connectivity. We then show that is possible to also use a stochastic protocol to achieve the same results via a percolation transition. Together, these approaches provide scale-independent algorithms for the cutting or gluing of three-dimensional prismatic assemblies to control their overall connectivity and rigidity.
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