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Free products from spinning and rotating families

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 نشر من قبل Sanghoon Kwak
 تاريخ النشر 2020
  مجال البحث
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The far-reaching work of Dahmani-Guirardel-Osin and recent work of Clay-Mangahas-Margalit provide geometric approaches to the study of the normal closure of a subgroup (or a collection of subgroups)in an ambient group $G$. Their work gives conditions under which the normal closure in $G$ is a free product. In this paper we unify their results and simplify and significantly shorten the proof of the Dahmani-Guirardel-Osin theorem.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

296 - Alden Walker 2013
We give an algorithm to compute stable commutator length in free products of cyclic groups which is polynomial time in the length of the input, the number of factors, and the orders of the finite factors. We also describe some experimental and theoretical applications of this algorithm.
If $G$ is a free product of finite groups, let $Sigma Aut_1(G)$ denote all (necessarily symmetric) automorphisms of $G$ that do not permute factors in the free product. We show that a McCullough-Miller [D. McCullough and A. Miller, {em Symmetric Auto morphisms of Free Products}, Mem. Amer. Math. Soc. 122 (1996), no. 582] and Guti{e}rrez-Krsti{c} [M. Guti{e}rrez and S. Krsti{c}, {em Normal forms for the group of basis-conjugating automorphisms of a free group}, International Journal of Algebra and Computation 8 (1998) 631-669] derived (also see Bogley-Krsti{c} [W. Bogley and S. Krsti{c}, {em String groups and other subgroups of $Aut(F_n)$}, preprint] space of pointed trees is an $underline{E} Sigma Aut_1(G)$-space for these groups.
198 - Marc Burger , Shahar Mozes 2013
We study cocompact lattices with dense projections in a product $G_1 times G_2$ of locally compact groups and show, under the assumption that each $G_i$ is a closed subgroup of the automorphism group $Aut(T_i)$ of a regular tree satisfying certain lo cal transitivity conditions, that such a lattice is contained in only finitely many discrete subgroups of $G_1 times G_2$.
We show that a relatively hyperbolic group quasi-isometrically embeds in a product of finitely many trees if the peripheral subgroups do, and we provide an estimate on the minimal number of trees needed. Applying our result to the case of 3-manifolds , we show that fundamental groups of closed 3-manifolds have linearly controlled asymptotic dimension at most 8. To complement this result, we observe that fundamental groups of Haken 3-manifolds with non-empty boundary have asymptotic dimension 2.
318 - Andrew Putman 2021
A beautifully simple free generating set for the commutator subgroup of a free group was constructed by Tomaszewski. We give a new geometric proof of his theorem, and show how to give a similar free generating set for the commutator subgroup of a sur face group. We also give a simple representation-theoretic description of the structure of the abelianizations of these commutator subgroups and calculate their homology.
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