The excited state dynamics of chromophores in complex environments determine a range of vital biological and energy capture processes. Time-resolved, multidimensional optical spectroscopies provide a key tool to investigate these processes. Although theory has the potential to decode these spectra in terms of the electronic and atomistic dynamics, the need for large numbers of excited state electronic structure calculations severely limits first principles predictions of multidimensional optical spectra for chromophores in the condensed phase. Here, we leverage the locality of chromophore excitations to develop machine learning models to predict the excited state energy gap of chromophores in complex environments for efficiently constructing linear and multidimensional optical spectra. By analyzing the performance of these models, which span a hierarchy of physical approximations, across a range of chromophore-environment interaction strengths, we provide strategies for the construction of ML models that greatly accelerate the calculation of multidimensional optical spectra from first principles.
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