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We develop a new approach to the classification of integrable equations of the form $$ u_{xy}=f(u, u_x, u_y, triangle_z u triangle_{bar z}u, triangle_{zbar z}u), $$ where $triangle_{ z}$ and $triangle_{bar z}$ are the forward/backward discrete derivatives. The following 2-step classification procedure is proposed: (1) First we require that the dispersionless limit of the equation is integrable, that is, its characteristic variety defines a conformal structure which is Einstein-Weyl on every solution. (2) Secondly, to the candidate equations selected at the previous step we apply the test of Darboux integrability of reductions obtained by imposing suitable cut-off conditions.
We classify integrable Hamiltonian equations in 3D with the Hamiltonian operator d/dx, where the Hamiltonian density h(u, w) is a function of two variables: dependent variable u and the non-locality w such that w_x=u_y. Based on the method of hydrody
In this paper we show that an arbitrary solution of one ordinary difference equation is also a solution for infinite class of difference equations. We also provide an example of such a solution that is related to sequence generated by second-order linear recurrent relations.
We compare the results of our two papers with the results of the paper Aratyn H., Gomes J.F., Zimerman A.H., Higher order Painleve equations and their symmetries via reductions of a class of integrable models, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor., V. 44} (2011), Art. No. 235202.
A class of multidimensional integrable hierarchies connected with commutation of general (unreduced) (N+1)-dimensional vector fields containing derivative over spectral variable is considered. They are represented in the form of generating equation,
We introduce two classes of homogeneous polynomials and show their role in constructing of integrable hierarchies for some integrable lattices.