ﻻ يوجد ملخص باللغة العربية
I review recent developments in the study of the low-x partonic content of protons and nuclei, with a focus on the latter, as one expects possible deviations from linear QCD evolution to be most pronounced in that case. I give examples of recent theoretical descriptions of HERA measurements with a focus on the role of BFKL evolution. I then concentrate on the status and assumptions of nuclear PDFs and the possibility to use forward particle production at the LHC as further constraint, in particular measurements of open charm and the potential of electromagnetic probes.
It is argued that the dynamics of the elastic scattering of high-energy protons at intermediate transferred momenta changes with the energy increase. It evolves from the multiple scattering at the external layer for energies about 10 GeV to the doubl
In this work we analyse the entanglement entropy in deep inelastic scattering off protons and nuclei. It is computed based on the formalism where the partonic state at small-x is maximally entangled with proton being constituted by large number of mi
We summarize recent experimental and theoretical results, which were reported in the working group on Structure Functions and Low-x at the DIS 2007 workshop.
We report a summary of the structure function working group which covers a wide range of the recent results from HERA, Tevatron, RHIC, and JLab experiments, and many theoretical issues from low x to high x.
We apply the dipole formalism that has been developed to describe low-x deep inelastic scattering to the case of ultra-high energy real photons with nucleon and nuclear targets. We hope that there will be future modeling applications in high-energy p