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Hardware Implementation of Adaptive Watermarking Based on Local Spatial Disorder Analysis

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 نشر من قبل Shadrokh Samavi
 تاريخ النشر 2020
  مجال البحث الهندسة المعلوماتية
والبحث باللغة English

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With the increasing use of the internet and the ease of exchange of multimedia content, the protection of ownership rights has become a significant concern. Watermarking is an efficient means for this purpose. In many applications, real-time watermarking is required, which demands hardware implementation of low complexity and robust algorithm. In this paper, an adaptive watermarking is presented, which uses embedding in different bit-planes to achieve transparency and robustness. Local disorder of pixels is analyzed to control the strength of the watermark. A new low complexity method for disorder analysis is proposed, and its hardware implantation is presented. An embedding method is proposed, which causes lower degradation in the watermarked image. Also, the performance of proposed watermarking architecture is improved by a pipe-line structure and is tested on an FPGA device. Results show that the algorithm produces transparent and robust watermarked images. The synthesis report from FPGA implementation illustrates a low complexity hardware structure.

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As an efficient watermark attack method, geometric distortions destroy the synchronization between watermark encoder and decoder. And the local geometric distortion is a famous challenge in the watermark field. Although a lot of geometric distortions resilient watermarking schemes have been proposed, few of them perform well against local geometric distortion like random bending attack (RBA). To address this problem, this paper proposes a novel watermark synchronization process and the corresponding watermarking scheme. In our scheme, the watermark bits are represented by random patterns. The message is encoded to get a watermark unit, and the watermark unit is flipped to generate a symmetrical watermark. Then the symmetrical watermark is embedded into the spatial domain of the host image in an additive way. In watermark extraction, we first get the theoretically mean-square error minimized estimation of the watermark. Then the auto-convolution function is applied to this estimation to detect the symmetry and get a watermark units map. According to this map, the watermark can be accurately synchronized, and then the extraction can be done. Experimental results demonstrate the excellent robustness of the proposed watermarking scheme to local geometric distortions, global geometric distortions, common image processing operations, and some kinds of combined attacks.
124 - Hanzhou Wu , Xinpeng Zhang 2019
While many games were designed for steganography and robust watermarking, few focused on reversible watermarking. We present a two-encoder game related to the rate-distortion optimization of content-adaptive reversible watermarking. In the game, Alic e first hides a payload into a cover. Then, Bob hides another payload into the modified cover. The embedding strategy of Alice affects the embedding capacity of Bob. The embedding strategy of Bob may produce data-extraction errors to Alice. Both want to embed as many pure secret bits as possible, subjected to an upper-bounded distortion. We investigate non-cooperative game and cooperative game between Alice and Bob. When they cooperate with each other, one may consider them as a whole, i.e., an encoder uses a cover for data embedding with two times. When they do not cooperate with each other, the game corresponds to a separable system, i.e., both want to independently hide a payload within the cover, but recovering the cover may need cooperation. We find equilibrium strategies for both players under constraints.
Explanation from Sai Ma: The experiments in this paper are conducted on Caffe framework. In Caffe, there is an API to directly set the gradient in Matlab. I wrongly use it to control the probability, in fact, I modify the gradient directly. The misus age of API leads to wrong experiment results, and wrong theoretical analysis. Apologize to readers who have read this paper. We have submitted a correct version of this paper to Multimedia Tools and Applications and it is under revision. Thanks to Dr. Patrick Bas, who is the Associate Editor of TIFS and the anonymous reviewers of this paper. Thanks to Tingting Song from Sun Yat-sen University. We discussed some problems of this paper. Her advice helps me to improve the submitted paper to Multimedia Tools and Applications.
254 - Xin Zhong , Frank Y. Shih 2019
Digital image watermarking is the process of embedding and extracting watermark covertly on a carrier image. Incorporating deep learning networks with image watermarking has attracted increasing attention during recent years. However, existing deep l earning-based watermarking systems cannot achieve robustness, blindness, and automated embedding and extraction simultaneously. In this paper, a fully automated image watermarking system based on deep neural networks is proposed to generalize the image watermarking processes. An unsupervised deep learning structure and a novel loss computation are proposed to achieve high capacity and high robustness without any prior knowledge of possible attacks. Furthermore, a challenging application of watermark extraction from camera-captured images is provided to validate the practicality as well as the robustness of the proposed system. Experimental results show the superiority performance of the proposed system as comparing against several currently available techniques.
155 - Chirag Jain , Siddharth Arora , 2008
We propose a novel scheme for watermarking of digital images based on singular value decomposition (SVD), which makes use of the fact that the SVD subspace preserves significant amount of information of an image, as compared to its singular value mat rix, Zhang and Li (2005). The principal components of the watermark are embedded in the original image, leaving the detector with a complimentary set of singular vectors for watermark extraction. The above step invariably ensures that watermark extraction from the embedded watermark image, using a modified matrix, is not possible, thereby removing a major drawback of an earlier proposed algorithm by Liu and Tan (2002).

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