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Dissipation-assisted operator evolution method for capturing hydrodynamic transport

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 نشر من قبل Tibor Rakovszky
 تاريخ النشر 2020
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We introduce the dissipation-assisted operator evolution (DAOE) method for calculating transport properties of strongly interacting lattice systems in the high temperature regime. DAOE is based on evolving observables in the Heisenberg picture, and applying an artificial dissipation that reduces the weight on non-local operators. We represent the observable as a matrix product operator, and show that the dissipation leads to a decay of operator entanglement, allowing us to capture the dynamics to long times. We test this scheme by calculating spin and energy diffusion constants in a variety of physical models. By gradually weakening the dissipation, we are able to consistently extrapolate our results to the case of zero dissipation, thus estimating the physical diffusion constant with high precision.

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اقرأ أيضاً

We present a new framework for computing low frequency transport properties of strongly correlated, ergodic systems. Our main assumption is that, when a thermalizing diffusive system is driven at frequency $omega$, domains of size $xi simsqrt{D/omega }$ can be considered as internally thermal, but weakly coupled with each other. We calculate the transport coefficients to lowest order in the coupling, assuming incoherent transport between such domains. Our framework naturally captures the sub-leading non analytic corrections to the transport coefficients, known as hydrodynamic long time tails. In addition, it allows us to obtain a generalized relation between charge and thermal transport coefficients, in the spirit of the Wiedemann-Franz law. We verify our results, which satisfy several non-trivial consistency checks, via exact diagonalization studies on the one-dimensional extended Fermi-Hubbard model.
55 - J. Gooth , F. Menges , C. Shekhar 2017
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