q-Opers, QQ-Systems, and Bethe Ansatz

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We introduce the notions of $(G,q)$-opers and Miura $(G,q)$-opers, where $G$ is a simply-connected complex simple Lie group, and prove some general results about their structure. We then establish a one-to-one correspondence between the set of $(G,q)$-opers of a certain kind and the set of nondegenerate solutions of a system of Bethe Ansatz equations. This may be viewed as a $q$DE/IM correspondence between the spectra of a quantum integrable model (IM) and classical geometric objects ($q$-differential equations). If $mathfrak{g}$ is simply-laced, the Bethe Ansatz equations we obtain coincide with the equations that appear in the quantum integrable model of XXZ-type associated to the quantum affine algebra $U_q widehat{mathfrak{g}}$. However, if $mathfrak{g}$ is non-simply laced, then these equations correspond to a different integrable model, associated to $U_q {}^Lwidehat{mathfrak{g}}$ where $^Lwidehat{mathfrak{g}}$ is the Langlands dual (twisted) affine algebra. A key element in this $q$DE/IM correspondence is the $QQ$-system that has appeared previously in the study of the ODE/IM correspondence and the Grothendieck ring of the category ${mathcal O}$ of the relevant quantum affine algebra.

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