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Minimax Rates of Estimating Approximate Differential Privacy

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 نشر من قبل Xiyang Liu
 تاريخ النشر 2019
  مجال البحث الهندسة المعلوماتية
والبحث باللغة English

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Differential privacy has become a widely accepted notion of privacy, leading to the introduction and deployment of numerous privatization mechanisms. However, ensuring the privacy guarantee is an error-prone process, both in designing mechanisms and in implementing those mechanisms. Both types of errors will be greatly reduced, if we have a data-driven approach to verify privacy guarantees, from a black-box access to a mechanism. We pose it as a property estimation problem, and study the fundamental trade-offs involved in the accuracy in estimated privacy guarantees and the number of samples required. We introduce a novel estimator that uses polynomial approximation of a carefully chosen degree to optimally trade-off bias and variance. With $n$ samples, we show that this estimator achieves performance of a straightforward plug-in estimator with $n ln n$ samples, a phenomenon referred to as effective sample size amplification. The minimax optimality of the proposed estimator is proved by comparing it to a matching fundamental lower bound.

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اقرأ أيضاً

198 - Yihong Wu , Pengkun Yang 2014
Consider the problem of estimating the Shannon entropy of a distribution over $k$ elements from $n$ independent samples. We show that the minimax mean-square error is within universal multiplicative constant factors of $$Big(frac{k }{n log k}Big)^2 + frac{log^2 k}{n}$$ if $n$ exceeds a constant factor of $frac{k}{log k}$; otherwise there exists no consistent estimator. This refines the recent result of Valiant-Valiant cite{VV11} that the minimal sample size for consistent entropy estimation scales according to $Theta(frac{k}{log k})$. The apparatus of best polynomial approximation plays a key role in both the construction of optimal estimators and, via a duality argument, the minimax lower bound.
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This paper provides fundamental limits on the sample complexity of estimating dictionaries for tensor data. The specific focus of this work is on $K$th-order tensor data and the case where the underlying dictionary can be expressed in terms of $K$ sm aller dictionaries. It is assumed the data are generated by linear combinations of these structured dictionary atoms and observed through white Gaussian noise. This work first provides a general lower bound on the minimax risk of dictionary learning for such tensor data and then adapts the proof techniques for specialized results in the case of sparse and sparse-Gaussian linear combinations. The results suggest the sample complexity of dictionary learning for tensor data can be significantly lower than that for unstructured data: for unstructured data it scales linearly with the product of the dictionary dimensions, whereas for tensor-structured data the bound scales linearly with the sum of the product of the dimensions of the (smaller) component dictionaries. A partial converse is provided for the case of 2nd-order tensor data to show that the bounds in this paper can be tight. This involves developing an algorithm for learning highly-structured dictionaries from noisy tensor data. Finally, numerical experiments highlight the advantages associated with explicitly accounting for tensor data structure during dictionary learning.
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