A large scale Monte Carlo production has been pursued since spring 2018 for the ILD detector optimization studies based on physics benchmark processes. A production system based on ILCDirac has been developed to produce samples in timely manner. The system and its performance are presented.
International Large Detector (ILD) adopts Particle Flow Algorithm (PFA) for precise measurement of multiple jets. The electromagnetic calorimeter (ECAL) of ILD has two candidates sensor technologies for PFA, which are pixelized silicon sensors and sc
intillator-strips with silicon photomultipliers. Pixelized silicon sensors have higher granularity for PFA, however they have an issue of cost reduction. In contrast, scintillator-strips have an advantage of relatively low cost and a disadvantage of degradation of position resolution by ghost hits, which are generated by orthogonal arrangement. Hybrid ECAL using both candidates is proposed to supplement these disadvantages. In this paper, we report an optimization study of the hybrid ECAL using detector simulation.
We are producing high statistics 250 GeV common MC samples for the ILD physics study using the latest generator, simulation, and reconstruction packages. In the production, we utilize ILCDirac distributed computing environment. The estimated resource
requirements, the current status and prospects of the production are presented.
The impact of the incoherent electron-positron pairs from beamstrahlung on the occupancy of the vertex detector (VXD) for the International Large Detector concept (ILD) has been studied, based on the standard ILD simulation tools. The occupancy was e
valuated for two substantially different sensor technology in order to estimate the importance of the latter. The influence of an anti-DID field removing backscattered electrons has also been studied.
CMOS Pixel Sensors are making steady progress towards the specifications of the ILD vertex detector. Recent developments are summarised, which show that these devices are close to comply with all major requirements, in particular the read-out speed n
eeded to cope with the beam related background. This achievement is grounded on the double- sided ladder concept, which allows combining signals generated by a single particle in two different sensors, one devoted to spatial resolution and the other to time stamp, both assembled on the same mechanical support. The status of the development is overviewed as well as the plans to finalise it using an advanced CMOS process.
A vertex detector concept of the Linear Collider Flavour Identification (LCFI) collaboration, which studies pixel detectors for heavy quark flavour identification, has been implemented in simulations for c-quark tagging in scalar top studies. The pro
duction and decay of scalar top quarks (stops) is particularly interesting for the development of the vertex detector as only two c-quarks and missing energy (from undetected neutralinos) are produced for light stops. Previous studies investigated the vertex detector design in scenarios with large mass differences between stop and neutralino, corresponding to large visible energy in the detector. In this study we investigate the tagging performance dependence on the vertex detector design in a scenario with small visible energy for the International Linear Collider (ILC).