Harish-Chandra modules over invariant subalgebras in a skew-group ring

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We construct a new class of algebras resembling enveloping algebras and generalizing orthogonal Gelfand-Zeitlin algebras and rational Galois algebras studied by [EMV,FuZ,RZ,Har]. The algebras are defined via a geometric realization in terms of sheaves of functions invariant under an action of a finite group. A natural class of modules over these algebra can be constructed via a similar geometric realization. In the special case of a local reflection group, these modules are shown to have an explicit basis, generalizing similar results for orthogonal Gelfand-Zeitlin algebras from [EMV] and for rational Galois algebras from [FuZ]. We also construct a family of canonical simple Harish-Chandra modules and give sufficient conditions for simplicity of some modules.

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