Extending Starobinsky inflationary model in gravity and supergravity

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We review some recent trends in the inflationary model building, the supersymmetry (SUSY) breaking, the gravitino Dark Matter (DM) and the Primordial Black Holes (PBHs) production in supergravity. The Starobinsky inflation can be embedded into supergravity when the inflaton belongs to the massive vector multiplet associated with a (spontaneously broken) $U(1)$ gauge symmetry. The SUSY and R-symmetry can be also spontaneously broken after inflation by the (standard) Polonyi mechanism. Polonyi particles and gravitinos are super heavy and can be copiously produced during inflation via the Schwinger mechanism sourced by the Universe expansion. The overproduction and instability problems can be avoided, and the positive cosmological constant (dark energy) can also be introduced. The observed abundance of the Cold Dark Matter (CDM) composed of gravitinos can be achieved in our supergravity model too, thus providing the unifying framework for inflation, supersymmetry breaking, dark energy and dark matter genesis. Our supergravity approach may also lead to a formation of primordial non-linear structures like stellar-mass-type black holes, and may include the SUSY GUTs inspired by heterotic string compactifications, unifying particle physics with quantum gravity.

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