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ALMA observations of the very young Class 0 protostellar system HH 211-mms: a 30-au dusty disk with a disk-wind traced by SO?

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 نشر من قبل Chin-Fei Lee
 تاريخ النشر 2018
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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HH 211-mms is one of the youngest Class 0 protostellar systems in Perseus at ~ 235 pc away. We have mapped its central region at up to ~ 7 AU (0.03) resolution. A dusty disk is seen deeply embedded in a flattened envelope, with an intensity jump in dust continuum at ~ 350 GHz. It is nearly edge-on and is almost exactly perpendicular to the jet axis. It has a size of ~ 30 au along the major axis. It is geometrically thick, indicating that the (sub)millimeter light emitting grains have yet to settle to the midplane. Its inner part is expected to have transformed into a Keplerian rotating disk with a radius of ~ 10 au. A rotating disk atmosphere and a compact rotating bipolar outflow are detected in SO. The outflow fans out from the inner disk surfaces and is rotating in the same direction as the flattened envelope, and hence could trace a disk wind carrying away angular momentum from the inner disk. From the rotation of the disk atmosphere, the protostellar mass is estimated to be <~ 50 M_Jup. Together with results from the literature, our result favors a model where the disk radius grows linearly with the protostellar mass, as predicted by models of pre-stellar dense core evolution that asymptotes to an $r^{-1}$ radial profile for both the column density and angular velocity.

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128 - Nadia M. Murillo 2013
Context: Rotationally supported disks are critical in the star formation process. The questions of when do they form and what factors influence or hinder their formation have been studied but are largely unanswered. Observations of early stage YSOs a re needed to probe disk formation. Aims: VLA1623 is a triple non-coeval protostellar system, with a weak magnetic field perpendicular to the outflow, whose Class 0 component, VLA1623A, shows a disk-like structure in continuum with signatures of rotation in line emission. We aim to determine whether this structure is in part or in whole a rotationally supported disk, i.e. a Keplerian disk, and what are its characteristics. Methods: ALMA Cycle 0 Early Science 1.3 mm continuum and C$^{18}$O (2-1) observations in the extended configuration are presented here and used to perform an analysis of the disk-like structure using PV diagrams and thin disk modelling with the addition of foreground absorption. Results: The PV diagrams of the C$^{18}$O line emission suggest the presence of a rotationally supported component with a radius of at least 50 AU. Kinematical modelling of the line emission shows that the disk out to 180 AU is actually rotationally supported, with the rotation being well described by Keplerian rotation out to at least 150 AU, and the central source mass to be $sim$0.2 M$_{sun}$ for an inclination of 55$^{circ}$. Pure infall and conserved angular momentum rotation models are excluded. Conclusions: VLA1623A, a very young Class 0 source, presents a disk with an outer radius $R_{rm out}$ = 180 AU with a Keplerian velocity structure out to at least 150 AU. The weak magnetic fields and recent fragmentation in this region of rho Ophiuchus may have played a lead role in the formation of the disk.
HH 211 is a nearby young protostellar system with a highly collimated jet. We have mapped it in 352 GHz continuum, SiO (J=8-7), and HCO+ (J=4-3) emission at up to ~ 0.2 resolution with the Submillimeter Array (SMA). The continuum source is now resolv ed into two sources, SMM1 and SMM2, with a separation of ~ 84 AU. SMM1 is seen at the center of the jet, probably tracing a (inner) dusty disk around the protostar driving the jet. SMM2 is seen to the southwest of SMM1 and may trace an envelope-disk around a small binary companion. A flattened envelope-disk is seen in HCO+ around SMM1 with a radius of ~ 80 AU perpendicular to the jet axis. Its velocity structure is consistent with a rotation motion and can be fitted with a Keplerian law that yields a mass of ~ 50+-15 Jupiter mass (a mass of a brown dwarf) for the protostar. Thus, the protostar could be the lowest mass source known to have a collimated jet and a rotating flattened envelope-disk. A small-scale (~ 200 AU) low-speed (~ 2 km/s) outflow is seen in HCOP+ around the jet axis extending from the envelope-disk. It seems to rotate in the same direction as the envelope-disk and may carry away part of the angular momentum from the envelope-disk. The jet is seen in SiO close to ~ 100 AU from SMM1. It is seen with a C-shaped bending. It has a transverse width of <~ 40 AU and a velocity of ~ 170+-60 km/s. A possible velocity gradient is seen consistently across its innermost pair of knots, with ~ 0.5 km/s at ~ 10 AU, consistent with the sense of rotation of the envelope-disk. If this gradient is an upper limit of the true rotational gradient of the jet, then the jet carries away a very small amount of angular momentum of ~ 5 AU km/s and thus must be launched from the very inner edge of the disk near the corotation radius.
We present the results of Very Large Array NH$_{3}$ $(J,K)=(1,1)$ and $(2,2)$ observations of the HH 111/HH 121 protostellar system. HH 111, with a spectacular collimated optical jet, is one of the most well-known Herbig-Haro objects. We report the d etection of a new source (NH$_{3}-$S) in the vicinity of HH 111/HH 121 ($sim$0.03 pc from the HH 111 jet source) in two epochs of the ammonia observations. This constitutes the first detection of this source, in a region which has been thoroughly covered previously by both continuum and spectral line interferometric observations. We study the kinematic and physical properties of HH 111 and the newly discovered NH$_{3}-$S. We also use HCO$^{+}$ and HCN $(J=4-3)$ data obtained with the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope and archival Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array $^{13}$CO, $^{12}$CO, and C$^{18}$O $(J=2-1)$, N$_2$D$^{+}$ $(J=3-2)$, and $^{13}$CS $(J=5-4)$ data to gain insight into the nature of NH$_{3}-$S. The chemical structure of NH$_3-$S shows evidence for selective freeze-out, an inherent characteristic of dense cold cores. The inner part of NH$_3-$S shows subsonic non-thermal velocity dispersions indicating a coherent core, while they increase in the direction of the jets. Archival near- to far-infrared data show no indication of any embedded source in NH$_3-$S. The properties of NH$_3-$S and its location in the infrared dark cloud suggest that it is a starless core located in a turbulent medium with turbulence induced by Herbig-Haro jets and associated outflows. More data is needed to fully understand the physical and chemical properties of NH$_3-$S and if/how its evolution is affected by nearby jets.
HH 212 is a Class 0 protostellar system found to host a hamburger-shaped dusty disk with a rotating disk atmosphere and a collimated SiO jet at a distance of ~ 400 pc. Recently, a compact rotating outflow has been detected in SO and SO2 toward the ce nter along the jet axis at ~ 52 au (0.13) resolution. Here we resolve the compact outflow into a small-scale wide-opening rotating outflow shell and a collimated jet, with the observations in the same S-bearing molecules at ~ 16 au (0.04) resolution. The collimated jet is aligned with the SiO jet, tracing the shock interactions in the jet. The wide-opening outflow shell is seen extending out from the inner disk around the SiO jet and has a width of ~ 100 au. It is not only expanding away from the center, but also rotating around the jet axis. The specific angular momentum of the outflow shell is ~ 40 au km/s. Simple modeling of the observed kinematics suggests that the rotating outflow shell can trace either a disk wind or disk material pushed away by an unseen wind from the inner disk or protostar. We also resolve the disk atmosphere in the same S-bearing molecules, confirming the Keplerian rotation there.
107 - Hauyu Baobab Liu 2020
We have carried out polarization calibration for archival JVLA ($sim$9 mm) full polarization observations towards the Class 0 young stellar object (YSO) OMC-3/MMS 6 (also known as HOPS-87), and then compared with the archival ALMA 1.2 mm observations . We found that the innermost $sim$100 au region of OMC-3/MMS 6 is likely very optically thick (e.g., $taugg$1) at $sim$1 mm wavelength such that the dominant polarization mechanism is dichroic extinction. It is marginally optically thin (e.g., $taulesssim$1) at $sim$9 mm wavelength such that the JVLA observations can directly probe the linearly polarized emission from non-spherical dust. Assuming that the projected long axis of dust grains is aligned perpendicular to magnetic field (B-field) lines, we propose that the overall B-field topology resembles an hourglass shape, while this hourglass appears $sim$40$^{circ}$ inclined with respect to the previously reported outflow axis. The geometry of this system is consistent with a magnetically regulated dense (pseudo-)disk. Based on the observed 29.45 GHz flux density and assuming a dust absorption opacity $kappa^{abs}_{29.45,GHz}=$0.0096 cm$^{2} $g$^{-1}$, the derived overall dust mass within a $sim$43 au radius is $sim$14000 $M_{oplus}$. From this case study, it appears to us that some previous 9 mm surveys towards Class 0/I YSOs might have systematically underestimated dust masses by one order of magnitude, owing to that they assumed the too high dust absorption opacity ($sim$0.1 cm$^{2}$ g$^{-1}$) for $sim$9 mm wavelengths but without self-consistently considering the dust scattering opacity.
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