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A remark on a $3$-fold constructed by Colliot-Thel`ene and Voisin

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 نشر من قبل Fumiaki Suzuki
 تاريخ النشر 2018
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف Fumiaki Suzuki

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A classical question asks whether the Abel-Jacobi map is universal among all regular homomorphisms. In this paper, we prove that we can construct a $4$-fold which gives the negative answer in codimension $3$ if the generalized Bloch conjecture holds for a $3$-fold constructed by Colliot-Thel`ene and Voisin in the context of the study of the defect of the integral Hodge conjecture in degree $4$.

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338 - Carel Faber 2012
After recalling the various tautological algebras of the moduli space of curves and some of its partial compactifications and stating several well-known results and conjectures concerning these algebras, we prove that the natural extension to the cas e of pointed curves of a 1996 conjecture of Hain and Looijenga is true if and only if two of the stated conjectures are true.
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