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Key Technologies and System Trade-Offs for Detection and Localization of Amateur Drones

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 نشر من قبل Hazem Sallouha
 تاريخ النشر 2017
  مجال البحث الهندسة المعلوماتية
والبحث باللغة English

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The use of amateur drones (ADrs) is expected to significantly increase over the upcoming years. However, regulations do not allow such drones to fly over all areas, in addition to typical altitude limitations. As a result, there is an urgent need for ADrs surveillance solutions. These solutions should include means of accurate detection, classification, and localization of the unwanted drones in a no-fly zone. In this paper, we give an overview of promising techniques for modulation classification and signal strength based localization of ADrs by using surveillance drones (SDrs). By introducing a generic altitude dependent propagation model, we show how detection and localization performance depend on the altitude of SDrs. Particularly, our simulation results show a 25 dB reduction in the minimum detectable power or 10 times coverage enhancement of an SDr by flying at the optimum altitude. Moreover, for a target no-fly zone, the location estimation error of an ADr can be remarkably reduced by optimizing the positions of the SDrs. Finally, we conclude the paper with a general discussion about the future work and possible challenges of the aerial surveillance systems.

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Localization in long-range Internet of Things networks is a challenging task, mainly due to the long distances and low bandwidth used. Moreover, the cost, power, and size limitations restrict the integration of a GPS receiver in each device. In this work, we introduce a novel received signal strength indicator (RSSI) based localization solution for ultra narrow band (UNB) long-range IoT networks such as Sigfox. The essence of our approach is to leverage the existence of a few GPS-enabled sensors (GSNs) in the network to split the wide coverage into classes, enabling RSSI based fingerprinting of other sensors (SNs). By using machine learning algorithms at the network backed-end, the proposed approach does not impose extra power, payload, or hardware requirements. To comprehensively validate the performance of the proposed method, a measurement-based dataset that has been collected in the city of Antwerp is used. We show that a location classification accuracy of 80% is achieved by virtually splitting a city with a radius of 2.5 km into seven classes. Moreover, separating classes, by increasing the spacing between them, brings the classification accuracy up-to 92% based on our measurements. Furthermore, when the density of GSN nodes is high enough to enable device-to-device communication, using multilateration, we improve the probability of localizing SNs with an error lower than 20 m by 40% in our measurement scenario.
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