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Gaussian Behavior of Quadratic Irrationals

417   0   0.0 ( 0 )
 نشر من قبل Eda Cesaratto
 تاريخ النشر 2017
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English

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We study the probabilistic behaviour of the continued fraction expansion of a quadratic irrational number, when weighted by some additive cost. We prove asymptotic Gaussian limit laws, with an optimal speed of convergence. We deal with the underlying dynamical system associated with the Gauss map, and its weighted periodic trajectories. We work with analytic combinatorics methods, and mainly with bivariate Dirichlet generating functions; we use various tools, from number theory (the Landau Theorem), from probability (the Quasi-Powers Theorem), or from dynamical systems: our main object of study is the (weighted) transfer operator, that we relate with the generating functions of interest. The present paper exhibits a strong parallelism with the methods which have been previously introduced by Baladi and Vallee in the study of rational trajectories. However, the present study is more involved and uses a deeper functional analysis framework.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

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148 - Xander Faber , Benjamin Hutz , 2010
For a quadratic endomorphism of the affine line defined over the rationals, we consider the problem of bounding the number of rational points that eventually land at the origin after iteration. In the article ``Uniform Bounds on Pre-Images Under Quad ratic Dynamical Systems, by two of the present authors and five others, it was shown that the number of rational iterated pre-images of the origin is bounded as one varies the morphism in a certain one-dimensional family. Subject to the validity of the Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture and some other related conjectures for the L-series of a specific abelian variety and using a number of modern tools for locating rational points on high genus curves, we show that the maximum number of rational iterated pre-images is six. We also provide further insight into the geometry of the ``pre-image curves.
61 - Andrew Schopieray 2019
Here we constructively classify quadratic $d$-numbers: algebraic integers in quadratic number fields generating Galois-invariant ideals. We prove the subset thereof maximal among their Galois conjugates in absolute value is discrete in $mathbb{R}$. O ur classification provides a characterization of those real quadratic fields containing a unit of norm -1 which is known to be equivalent to the existence of solutions to the negative Pell equation. The notion of a weakly quadratic fusion category is introduced whose Frobenius-Perron dimension necessarily lies in this discrete set. Factorization, divisibility, and boundedness results are proven for quadratic $d$-numbers allowing a systematic study of weakly quadratic fusion categories which constitute essentially all known examples of fusion categories having no known connection to classical representation theory.
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