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Estimating Current-Flow Closeness Centrality with a Multigrid Laplacian Solver

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 نشر من قبل Henning Meyerhenke
 تاريخ النشر 2016
  مجال البحث الهندسة المعلوماتية
والبحث باللغة English

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Matrices associated with graphs, such as the Laplacian, lead to numerous interesting graph problems expressed as linear systems. One field where Laplacian linear systems play a role is network analysis, e. g. for certain centrality measures that indicate if a node (or an edge) is important in the network. One such centrality measure is current-flow closeness. To allow network analysis workflows to profit from a fast Laplacian solver, we provide an implementation of the LAMG multigrid solver in the NetworKit package, facilitating the computation of current-flow closeness values or related quantities. Our main contribution consists of two algorithms that accelerate the current-flow computation for one node or a reasonably small node subset significantly. One sampling-based algorithm provides an unbiased estimation of the related electrical farness, the other one is based on the Johnson-Lindenstrauss transform. Our inexact algorithms lead to very accurate results in practice. Thanks to them one is now able to compute an estimation of current-flow closeness of one node on networks with tens of millions of nodes and edges within seconds or a few minutes. From a network analytical point of view, our experiments indicate that current-flow closeness can discriminate among different nodes significantly better than traditional shortest-path closeness and is also considerably more resistant to noise -- we thus show that two known drawbacks of shortest-path closeness are alleviated by the current-flow variant.

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اقرأ أيضاً

Linear system solving is one of the main workhorses in applied mathematics. Recently, theoretical computer scientists have contributed sophisticated algorithms for solving linear systems with symmetric diagonally dominant matrices (a class to which L aplacian matrices belong) in provably nearly-linear time. While these algorithms are highly interesting from a theoretical perspective, there are no published results how they perform in practice. With this paper we address this gap. We provide the first implementation of the combinatorial solver by [Kelner et al., STOC 2013], which is particularly appealing for implementation due to its conceptual simplicity. The algorithm exploits that a Laplacian matrix corresponds to a graph; solving Laplacian linear systems amounts to finding an electrical flow in this graph with the help of cycles induced by a spanning tree with the low-stretch property. The results of our comprehensive experimental study are ambivalent. They confirm a nearly-linear running time, but for reasonable inputs the constant factors make the solver much slower than methods with higher asymptotic complexity. One other aspect predicted by theory is confirmed by our findings, though: Spanning trees with lower stretch indeed reduce the solvers running time. Yet, simple spanning tree algorithms perform in practice better than those with a guaranteed low stretch.
A new method for solving Laplacian linear systems proposed by Kelner et al. involves the random sampling and update of fundamental cycles in a graph. Kelner et al. proved asymptotic bounds on the complexity of this method but did not report experimen tal results. We seek to both evaluate the performance of this approach and to explore improvements to it in practice. We compare the performance of this method to other Laplacian solvers on a variety of real world graphs. We consider different ways to improve the performance of this method by exploring different ways of choosing the set of cycles and the sequence of updates, with the goal of providing more flexibility and potential parallelism. We propose a parallel model of the Kelner et al. method, for evaluating potential parallelism in terms of the span of edges updated at each iteration. We provide experimental results comparing the potential parallelism of the fundamental cycle basis and our extended cycle set. Our preliminary experiments show that choosing a non-fundamental set of cycles can save significant work compared to a fundamental cycle basis.
123 - Jan van den Brand 2019
Interior point algorithms for solving linear programs have been studied extensively for a long time [e.g. Karmarkar 1984; Lee, Sidford FOCS14; Cohen, Lee, Song STOC19]. For linear programs of the form $min_{Ax=b, x ge 0} c^top x$ with $n$ variables a nd $d$ constraints, the generic case $d = Omega(n)$ has recently been settled by Cohen, Lee and Song [STOC19]. Their algorithm can solve linear programs in $tilde O(n^omega log(n/delta))$ expected time, where $delta$ is the relative accuracy. This is essentially optimal as all known linear system solvers require up to $O(n^{omega})$ time for solving $Ax = b$. However, for the case of deterministic solvers, the best upper bound is Vaidyas 30 years old $O(n^{2.5} log(n/delta))$ bound [FOCS89]. In this paper we show that one can also settle the deterministic setting by derandomizing Cohen et al.s $tilde{O}(n^omega log(n/delta))$ time algorithm. This allows for a strict $tilde{O}(n^omega log(n/delta))$ time bound, instead of an expected one, and a simplified analysis, reducing the length of their proof of their central path method by roughly half. Derandomizing this algorithm was also an open question asked in Songs PhD Thesis. The main tool to achieve our result is a new data-structure that can maintain the solution to a linear system in subquadratic time. More accurately we are able to maintain $sqrt{U}A^top(AUA^top)^{-1}Asqrt{U}:v$ in subquadratic time under $ell_2$ multiplicative changes to the diagonal matrix $U$ and the vector $v$. This type of change is common for interior point algorithms. Previous algorithms [e.g. Vaidya STOC89; Lee, Sidford FOCS15; Cohen, Lee, Song STOC19] required $Omega(n^2)$ time for this task. [...]
613 - Zhicheng Hu , Ruo Li 2014
We develop a nonlinear multigrid method to solve the steady state of microflow, which is modeled by the high order moment system derived recently for the steady-state Boltzmann equation with ES-BGK collision term. The solver adopts a symmetric Gauss- Seidel iterative scheme nested by a local Newton iteration on grid cell level as its smoother. Numerical examples show that the solver is insensitive to the parameters in the implementation thus is quite robust. It is demonstrated that expected efficiency improvement is achieved by the proposed method in comparison with the direct time-stepping scheme.
We have developed an efficient algorithm for steady axisymmetrical 2D fluid equations. The algorithm employs multigrid method as well as standard implicit discretization schemes for systems of partial differential equations. Linearity of the multigri d method with respect to the number of grid points allowed us to use $256times 256$ grid, where we could achieve solutions in several minutes. Time limitations due to nonlinearity of the system are partially avoided by using multi level grids(the initial solution on $256times 256$ grid was extrapolated steady solution from $128times 128$ grid which allowed using long integration time steps). The fluid solver may be used as the basis for hybrid codes for DC discharges.
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