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Improved Search for a Light Sterile Neutrino with the Full Configuration of the Daya Bay Experiment

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 نشر من قبل Jiajie Ling
 تاريخ النشر 2016
  مجال البحث
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This Letter reports an improved search for light sterile neutrino mixing in the electron antineutrino disappearance channel with the full configuration of the Daya Bay Reactor Neutrino Experiment. With an additional 404 days of data collected in eight antineutrino detectors, this search benefits from 3.6 times the statistics available to the previous publication, as well as from improvements in energy calibration and background reduction. A relative comparison of the rate and energy spectrum of reactor antineutrinos in the three experimental halls yields no evidence of sterile neutrino mixing in the $2times10^{-4} lesssim |Delta m^{2}_{41}| lesssim 0.3$ eV$^{2}$ mass range. The resulting limits on $sin^{2}2theta_{14}$ are improved by approximately a factor of 2 over previous results and constitute the most stringent constraints to date in the $|Delta m^{2}_{41}| lesssim 0.2$ eV$^{2}$ region.

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A search for light sterile neutrino mixing was performed with the first 217 days of data from the Daya Bay Reactor Antineutrino Experiment. The experiments unique configuration of multiple baselines from six 2.9~GW$_{rm th}$ nuclear reactors to six a ntineutrino detectors deployed in two near (effective baselines 512~m and 561~m) and one far (1579~m) underground experimental halls makes it possible to test for oscillations to a fourth (sterile) neutrino in the $10^{rm -3}~{rm eV}^{2} < |Delta m_{41}^{2}| < 0.3~{rm eV}^{2}$ range. The relative spectral distortion due to electron antineutrino disappearance was found to be consistent with that of the three-flavor oscillation model. The derived limits on $sin^22theta_{14}$ cover the $10^{-3}~{rm eV}^{2} lesssim |Delta m^{2}_{41}| lesssim 0.1~{rm eV}^{2}$ region, which was largely unexplored.
The far site detector complex of the Daya Bay reactor experiment is proposed as a location to search for sterile neutrinos with > eV mass. Antineutrinos from a 500 kCi 144Ce-144Pr beta-decay source (DeltaQ=2.996 MeV) would be detected by four identic al 20-ton antineutrino targets. The site layout allows flexible source placement; several specific source locations are discussed. In one year, the 3+1 sterile neutrino hypothesis can be tested at essentially the full suggested range of the parameters Delta m^2_{new} and sin^22theta_{new} (90% C.L.). The backgrounds from six nuclear reactors at >1.6 km distance are shown to be manageable. Advantages of performing the experiment at the Daya Bay far site are described.
We report a new measurement of electron antineutrino disappearance using the fully-constructed Daya Bay Reactor Neutrino Experiment. The final two of eight antineutrino detectors were installed in the summer of 2012. Including the 404 days of data co llected from October 2012 to November 2013 resulted in a total exposure of 6.9$times$10$^5$ GW$_{rm th}$-ton-days, a 3.6 times increase over our previous results. Improvements in energy calibration limited variations between detectors to 0.2%. Removal of six $^{241}$Am-$^{13}$C radioactive calibration sources reduced the background by a factor of two for the detectors in the experimental hall furthest from the reactors. Direct prediction of the antineutrino signal in the far detectors based on the measurements in the near detectors explicitly minimized the dependence of the measurement on models of reactor antineutrino emission. The uncertainties in our estimates of $sin^{2}2theta_{13}$ and $|Delta m^2_{ee}|$ were halved as a result of these improvements. Analysis of the relative antineutrino rates and energy spectra between detectors gave $sin^{2}2theta_{13} = 0.084pm0.005$ and $|Delta m^{2}_{ee}|= (2.42pm0.11) times 10^{-3}$ eV$^2$ in the three-neutrino framework.
162 - Cheng-Ju Lin 2010
The last unknown neutrino mixing angle $theta_{13}$ is one of the fundamental parameters of nature; it is also a crucial parameter for determining the sensitivity of future long-baseline experiments aimed to study CP violation in the neutrino sector. Daya Bay is a reactor neutrino oscillation experiment designed to achieve a sensitivity on the value of $sin^2(2theta_{13})$ to better than 0.01 at 90% CL. The experiment consists of multiple identical detectors placed underground at different baselines to minimize systematic errors and suppress cosmogenic backgrounds. With the baseline design, the expected anti-neutrino signal at the far site is about 360 events per day and at each of the near sites is about 1500 events per day. An overview and current status of the experiment will be presented.
120 - David E. Jaffe 2021
With the end of Daya Bay experimental operations in December 2020, I review the history, discoveries, measurements and impact of the Daya Bay reactor neutrino experiment in China.
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