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Particle Physics and Condensed Matter: The Saga Continues

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 نشر من قبل Frank Wilczek
 تاريخ النشر 2016
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف Frank Wilczek

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Ideas from quantum field theory and topology have proved remarkably fertile in suggesting new phenomena in the quantum physics of condensed matter. Here Ill supply some broad, unifying context, both conceptual and historical, for the abundance of results reported at the Nobel Symposium on New Forms of Matter, Topological Insulators and Superconductors. Since they distill some most basic ideas in their simplest forms, these concluding remarks might also serve, for non-specialists, as an introduction.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

119 - Sayantika Bhowal , S. Satpathy , 2020
Skyrmions were originally introduced in Particle Physics as a possible mechanism to explain the stability of particles. Lately the concept has been applied in Condensed Matter Physics to describe the newly discovered topologically protected magnetic configurations called the magnetic Skyrmions. This elementary review introduces the concept at a level suitable for beginning students of Physics.
366 - C. Attaccalite , S. Barland 2012
In this paper we study research trends in condensed matter physics. Trends are analyzed by means of the the number of publications in the different sub-fields as function of the years. We found that many research topics have a similar behavior with a n initial fast growth and a next slower exponential decay. We derived a simple model to describe this behavior and built up some predictions for future trends.
Circuit QED techniques have been instrumental to manipulate and probe with exquisite sensitivity the quantum state of superconducting quantum bits coupled to microwave cavities. Recently, it has become possible to fabricate new devices where the supe rconducting quantum bits are replaced by hybrid mesoscopic circuits combining nanoconductors and metallic reservoirs. This mesoscopic QED provides a new experimental playground to study the light-matter interaction in electronic circuits. Here, we present the experimental state of the art of Mesoscopic QED and its theoretical description. A first class of experiments focuses on the artificial atom limit, where some quasiparticles are trapped in nanocircuit bound states. In this limit, the Circuit QED techniques can be used to manipulate and probe electronic degrees of freedom such as confined charges, spins, or Andreev pairs. A second class of experiments consists in using cavity photons to reveal the dynamics of electron tunneling between a nanoconductor and fermionic reservoirs. For instance, the Kondo effect, the charge relaxation caused by grounded metallic contacts, and the photo-emission caused by voltage-biased reservoirs have been studied. The tunnel coupling between nanoconductors and fermionic reservoirs also enable one to obtain split Cooper pairs, or Majorana bound states. Cavity photons represent a qualitatively new tool to study these exotic condensed matter states.
We investigate the electromagnetic response of a relativistic Fermi gas at finite temperatures. Our theoretical results are first-order in the fine-structure constant. The electromagnetic permittivity and permeability are introduced via general const itutive relations in reciprocal space, and computed for different values of the gas density and temperature. As expected, the electric permittivity of the relativistic Fermi gas is found in good agreement with the Lindhard dielectric function in the low-temperature limit. Applications to condensed-matter physics are briefly discussed. In particular, theoretical results are in good agreement with experimental measurements of the plasmon energy in graphite and tin oxide, as functions of both the temperature and wave vector. We stress that the present electromagnetic response of a relativistic Fermi gas at finite temperatures could be of potential interest in future plasmonic and photonic investigations.
80 - Feng Tang , Xi Luo , Yongping Du 2016
The spin-3/2 elementary particle, known as Rarita-Schwinger (RS) fermion, is described by a vector-spinor field {psi}_{{mu}{alpha}}, whose number of components is larger than its independent degrees of freedom (DOF). Thus the RS equations contain non trivial constraints to eliminate the redundant DOF. Consequently the standard procedure adopted in realizing relativistic spin-1/2 quasi-particle is not capable of creating the RS fermion in condensed matter systems. In this work, we propose a generic method to construct a Hamiltonian which implicitly contains the RS constraints, thus includes the eigenstates and energy dispersions being exactly the same as those of RS equations. By implementing our 16X16 or 6X6 Hamiltonian, one can realize the 3 dimensional or 2 dimensional (2D) massive RS quasiparticles, respectively. In the non-relativistic limit, the 2D 6X6 Hamiltonian can be reduced to two 3X3 Hamiltonians which describe the positive and negative energy parts respectively. Due to the nontrivial constraints, this simplified 2D massive RS quasiparticle has an exotic property: it has vanishing orbital magnetic moment while its orbital magnetization is finite. Finally, we discuss the material realization of RS quasiparticle. Our study provides an opportunity to realize higher spin elementary fermions with constraints in condensed matter systems.
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