SourcererCC and SourcererCC-I: Tools to Detect Clones in Batch mode and During Software Development

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Given the availability of large source-code repositories, there has been a large number of applications for large-scale clone detection. Unfortunately, despite a decade of active research, there is a marked lack in clone detectors that scale to big software systems or large repositories, specifically for detecting near-miss (Type 3) clones where significant editing activities may take place in the cloned code. This paper demonstrates: (i) SourcererCC, a token-based clone detector that targets the first three clone types, and exploits an index to achieve scalability to large inter-project repositories using a standard workstation. It uses an optimized inverted-index to quickly query the potential clones of a given code block. Filtering heuristics based on token ordering are used to significantly reduce the size of the index, the number of code-block comparisons needed to detect the clones, as well as the number of required token-comparisons needed to judge a potential clone, and (ii) SourcererCC-I, an Eclipse plug-in, that uses SourcererCCs core engine to identify and navigate clones (both inter and intra project) in real-time during software development. In our experiments, comparing SourcererCC with the state-of-the-art tools, we found that it is the only clone detection tool to successfully scale to 250 MLOC on a standard workstation with 12 GB RAM and efficiently detect the first three types of clones (precision 86% and recall 86-100%). Link to the demo:

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