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Large Transverse Momenta and Tsallis Thermodynamics

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 نشر من قبل Jean Cleymans
 تاريخ النشر 2015
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English

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The charged particle transverse momentum ($p_T$) spectra measured by the ATLAS and CMS collaborations in proton - proton collisions at sqrt(s) = 0.9 and 7 TeV have been studied using Tsallis thermodynamics. A thermodynamically consistent form of the Tsallis distribution is used for fitting the transverse momentum spectra at mid-rapidity. It is found that the fits based on the proposed distribution provide an excellent description over 14 orders of magnitude with $p_T$ values up to 200 GeV/c.

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اقرأ أيضاً

252 - M.D. Azmi , J. Cleymans 2015
Fits to the transverse momentum distributions of charged particles produced in p - p collisions at LHC energies based on the Tsallis distribution have been shown to work over 14 orders of magnitude. T
471 - M. D. Azmi , J. Cleymans 2013
An overview is presented of transverse momentum distributions of particles at the LHC using the Tsallis distribution. The use of a thermodynamically consistent form of this distribution leads to an excellent description of charged and identified part icles. The values of the Tsallis parameter q are truly remarkably consistent.
246 - M. D. Azmi , J. Cleymans 2013
The transverse momentum distributions of charged particles in p-Pb collisions as sqrt{s_{NN}} = 5.02 TeV measured by the ALICE collaboration are fitted using Tsallis statistics. The use of a thermodynamically consistent form of this distribution lead s to an excellent description of the transverse momentum distributions for all rapidity intervals. The values of the Tsallis parameter q, the temperature T and the radius R of the system do not change within the measured pseudorapidity intervall.
To match the precision of present and future measurements of W-boson production at hadron colliders electroweak radiative corrections must be included in the theory predictions. In this paper we consider their effect on the transverse momentum (p_T) distribution of W bosons, with emphasis on large p_T. We evaluate the full electroweak O(alpha) corrections to the processes pp -> W+jet and pbar p -> W+jet including virtual and real photonic contributions. We present the explicit expressions in analytical form for the virtual corrections and provide results for the real corrections, discussing in detail the treatment of soft and collinear singularities. We also provide compact approximate expressions which are valid in the high-energy region, where the electroweak corrections are strongly enhanced by logarithms of hat{s}/M_W^2. These expressions describe the complete asymptotic behaviour at one loop as well as the leading and next-to-leading logarithms at two loops. Numerical results are presented for proton-proton collisions at 14 TeV and proton-antiproton collisions at 2 TeV. The corrections are negative and their size increases with p_T. At the LHC, where transverse momenta of 2 TeV or more can be reached, the one- and two-loop corrections amount up to -40% and +10%, respectively, and will be important for a precise analysis of W production. At the Tevatron, transverse momenta up to 300 GeV are within reach. In this case the electroweak corrections amount up to -10% and are thus larger than the expected statistical error.
We study the production of the four-lepton final state $l^+ l^- l^+ l^-$, predominantly produced by a pair of electroweak Z bosons, ZZ. Using the LoopSim method, we merge NLO QCD results for ZZ and ZZ+jet and obtain approximate NNLO predictions for Z Z production. The exact gluon-fusion loop-squared contribution to the ZZ process is also included. On top of that, we add to our merged sample the gluon-fusion ZZ+jet contributions from the gluon-gluon channel, which is formally of N^3LO and provides approximate results at NLO for the gluon-fusion mechanism. The predictions are obtained with the VBFNLO package and include the leptonic decays of the Z bosons with all off-shell and spin-correlation effects, as well as virtual photon contributions. We compare our predictions with existing results for the total inclusive cross section at NNLO and find a very good agreement. Then, we present results for differential distributions for two experimental setups, one used in searches for anomalous triple gauge boson couplings, the other in Higgs analyses in the four charged-lepton final state channel. We find that the approximate NNLO corrections are large, reaching up to 20% at high transverse momentum of the Z boson or the leading lepton, and are not covered by the NLO scale uncertainties. Distributions of the four-lepton invariant mass are, however, stable with respect to QCD corrections at this order.
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