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Center Specification Property and Entropy for Partially Hyperbolic Diffeomorphisms

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 نشر من قبل Yujun Zhu
 تاريخ النشر 2015
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English

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Let $f$ be a partially hyperbolic diffeomorphism on a closed (i.e., compact and boundaryless) Riemannian manifold $M$ with a uniformly compact center foliation $mathcal{W}^{c}$. The relationship among topological entropy $h(f)$, entropy of the restriction of $f$ on the center foliation $h(f, mathcal{W}^{c})$ and the growth rate of periodic center leaves $p^{c}(f)$ is investigated. It is first shown that if a compact locally maximal invariant center set $Lambda$ is center topologically mixing then $f|_{Lambda}$ has the center specification property, i.e., any specification with a large spacing can be center shadowed by a periodic center leaf with a fine precision. Applying the center spectral decomposition and the center specification property, we show that $ h(f)leq h(f,mathcal{W}^{c})+p^{c}(f)$. Moreover, if the center foliation $mathcal{W}^{c}$ is of dimension one, we obtain an equality $h(f)= p^{c}(f)$.

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اقرأ أيضاً

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In this paper, we consider certain partially hyperbolic diffeomorphisms with center of arbitrary dimension and obtain continuity properties of the topological entropy under $C^1$ perturbations. The systems considered have subexponential growth in the center direction and uniform exponential growth along the unstable foliation. Our result applies to partially hyperbolic diffeomorphisms which are Lyapunov stable in the center direction. It applies to another important class of systems which do have subexponential growth in the center direction, for which we develop a technique to use exponential mixing property of the systems to get uniform distribution of unstable manifolds. A primary example is the translations on homogenous spaces which may have center of arbitrary dimension and of polynomial orbit growth.
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