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Amplitude chimeras and chimera death in dynamical networks

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 نشر من قبل Anna Zakharova
 تاريخ النشر 2015
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We find chimera states with respect to amplitude dynamics in a network of Stuart-Landau oscillators. These partially coherent and partially incoherent spatio-temporal patterns appear due to the interplay of nonlocal network topology and symmetry-breaking coupling. As the coupling range is increased, the oscillations are quenched, amplitude chimeras disappear and the network enters a symmetry-breaking stationary state. This particular regime is a novel pattern which we call chimera death. It is characterized by the coexistence of spatially coherent and incoherent inhomogeneous steady states and therefore combines the features of chimera state and oscillation death. Additionally, we show two different transition scenarios from amplitude chimera to chimera death. Moreover, for amplitude chimeras we uncover the mechanism of transition towards in-phase synchronized regime and discuss the role of initial conditions.

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We report the emergence of stable amplitude chimeras and chimera death in a two-layer network where one layer has an ensemble of identical nonlinear oscillators interacting directly through local coupling and indirectly through dynamic agents that fo rm the second layer. The nonlocality in the interaction among the dynamical agents in the second layer induces different types of chimera related dynamical states in the first layer. The amplitude chimeras developed in them are found to be extremely stable, while chimera death states are prevalent for increased coupling strengths. The results presented are for a system of coupled Stuart-Landau oscillators and can in general represent systems with short-range interactions coupled to another set of systems with long range interactions. In this case, by tuning the range of interactions among the oscillators or the coupling strength between the two types of systems, we can control the nature of chimera states and the system can be restored to homogeneous steady states. The dynamic agents interacting nonlocally with long-range interactions can be considered as a dynamic environment or medium interacting with the system. We indicate how the second layer can act as a reinforcement mechanism on the first layer under various possible interactions for desirable effects.
We investigate the influence of time-delayed coupling in a ring network of non-locally coupled Stuart-Landau oscillators upon chimera states, i.e., space-time patterns with coexisting partially coherent and partially incoherent domains. We focus on a mplitude chimeras which exhibit incoherent behavior with respect to the amplitude rather than the phase and are transient patterns, and show that their lifetime can be significantly enhanced by coupling delay. To characterize their transition to phase-lag synchronization (coherent traveling waves) and other coherent structures, we generalize the Kuramoto order parameter. Contrasting the results for instantaneous coupling with those for constant coupling delay, for time-varying delay, and for distributed-delay coupling, we demonstrate that the lifetime of amplitude chimera states and related partially incoherent states can be controlled, i.e., deliberately reduced or increased, depending upon the type of coupling delay.
We show that amplitude chimeras in ring networks of Stuart-Landau oscillators with symmetry-breaking nonlocal coupling represent saddle-states in the underlying phase space of the network. Chimera states are composed of coexisting spatial domains of coherent and of incoherent oscillations. We calculate the Floquet exponents and the corresponding eigenvectors in dependence upon the coupling strength and range, and discuss the implications for the phase space structure. The existence of at least one positive real part of the Floquet exponents indicates an unstable manifold in phase space, which explains the nature of these states as long-living transients. Additionally, we find a Stuart-Landau network of minimum size $N=12$ exhibiting amplitude chimeras
Formation of diverse patterns in spatially extended reaction-diffusion systems is an important aspect of study which is pertinent to many chemical and biological processes. Of special interest is the peculiar phenomenon of chimera state having spatia l coexistence of coherent and incoherent dynamics in a system of identically interacting individuals. In the present article, we report the emergence of various collective dynamical patterns while considering a system of prey-predator dynamics in presence of a two-dimensional diffusive environment. Particularly, we explore the observance of four distinct categories of spatial arrangements among the species, namely spiral wave, spiral chimera, completely synchronized oscillations, and oscillation death states in a broad region of the diffusion-driven parameter space. Emergence of amplitude mediated spiral chimera states displaying drifted amplitudes and phases in the incoherent subpopulation is detected for parameter values beyond both Turing and Hopf bifurcations. Transition scenarios among all these distinguishable patterns are numerically demonstrated for a wide range of the diffusion coefficients which reveal that the chimera states arise during the transition from oscillatory to steady state dynamics. Furthermore, we characterize the occurrence of each of the recognizable patterns by estimating the strength of incoherent subpopulations in the two-dimensional space.
79 - Fatihcan M. Atay 2004
Networks of weakly nonlinear oscillators are considered with diffusive and time-delayed coupling. Averaging theory is used to determine parameter ranges for which the network experiences amplitude death, whereby oscillations are quenched and the equi librium solution has a large domain of attraction. The amplitude death is shown to be a common phenomenon, which can be observed regardless of the precise nature of the nonlinearities and under very general coupling conditions. In addition, when the network consists of dissimilar oscillators, there exist parameter values for which only parts of the network are suppressed. Sufficient conditions are derived for total and partial amplitude death in arbitrary network topologies with general nonlinearities, coupling coefficients, and connection delays.
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