Possible coupling between magnons and phonons in multiferroic CaMn7O12

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Spin and lattice dynamics of CaMn7O12 ceramics were investigated using infrared, THz and inelastic neutron scattering (INS) spectroscopies in the temperature range 2 to 590 K, and, at low temperatures, in applied magnetic fields of up to 12 T. On cooling, we observed phonon splitting accompanying the structural phase transition at Tc = 450K as well as the onset of the incommensurately modulated structure at 250 K. In the two antiferromagnetic phases below T_N1 = 90K and T_N2 = 48 K, several infrared-active excitations emerge in the meV range; their frequencies correspond to the maxima in the magnon density of states obtained by INS. At the magnetic phase transitions, these modes display strong anomalies and for some of them, a transfer of dielectric strength from the higher-frequency phonons is observed. We propose that these modes are electromagnons. Remarkably, at least two of these modes remain active also in the paramagnetic phase; for this reason, we call them paraelectromagnons. In accordance with this observation, quasielastic neutron scattering revealed short-range magnetic correlations persisting within temperatures up to 500K above T_N1.

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