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Relativistic covariance of Ohms law

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 نشر من قبل Giulio Schober
 تاريخ النشر 2014
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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The derivation of Lorentz-covariant generalizations of Ohms law has been a long-term issue in theoretical physics with deep implications for the study of relativistic effects in optical and atomic physics. In this article, we propose an alternative route to this problem, which is motivated by the tremendous progress in first-principles materials physics in general and ab initio electronic structure theory in particular. We start from the most general, Lorentz-covariant first-order response law, which is written in terms of the fundamental response tensor $chi^mu_ u$ relating induced four-currents to external four-potentials. By showing the equivalence of this description to Ohms law, we prove the validity of Ohms law in every inertial frame. We further use the universal relation between $chi^mu_ u$ and the microscopic conductivity tensor $sigma_{kell}$ to derive a fully relativistic transformation law for the latter, which includes all effects of anisotropy and relativistic retardation. In the special case of a constant, scalar conductivity, this transformation law can be used to rederive a standard textbook generalization of Ohms law.

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