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Reducing the Number of Changeover Constraints in a MIP Formulation of a Continuous-Time Scheduling Problem

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 نشر من قبل Anton Eremeev
 تاريخ النشر 2014
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English

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In this paper, we develop a new formulation of changeover constraints for mixed integer programming problem (MIP) that emerges in solving a short-term production scheduling problem. The new model requires fewer constraints than the original formulation and this often leads to shorter computation time of a MIP solver. Besides that, the new formulation is more flexible if the time windows for changeover tasks are given.

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A set of N independent Gaussian linear time invariant systems is observed by M sensors whose task is to provide the best possible steady-state causal minimum mean square estimate of the state of the systems, in addition to minimizing a steady-state m easurement cost. The sensors can switch between systems instantaneously, and there are additional resource constraints, for example on the number of sensors which can observe a given system simultaneously. We first derive a tractable relaxation of the problem, which provides a bound on the achievable performance. This bound can be computed by solving a convex program involving linear matrix inequalities. Exploiting the additional structure of the sites evolving independently, we can decompose this program into coupled smaller dimensional problems. In the scalar case with identical sensors, we give an analytical expression of an index policy proposed in a more general context by Whittle. In the general case, we develop open-loop periodic switching policies whose performance matches the bound arbitrarily closely.
Consider a set of jobs with independent random service times to be scheduled on a single machine. The jobs can be surgeries in an operating room, patients appointments in outpatient clinics, etc. The challenge is to determine the optimal sequence and appointment times of jobs to minimize some function of the server idle time and service start-time delay. We introduce a generalized objective function of delay and idle time, and consider $l_1$-type and $l_2$-type cost functions as special cases of interest. Determining an index-based policy for the optimal sequence in which to schedule jobs has been an open problem for many years. For example, it was conjectured that `least variance first (LVF) policy is optimal for the $l_1$-type objective. This is known to be true for the case of two jobs with specific distributions. A key result in this paper is that the optimal sequencing problem is non-indexable, i.e., neither the variance, nor any other such index can be used to determine the optimal sequence in which to schedule jobs for $l_1$ and $l_2$-type objectives. We then show that given a sequence in which to schedule the jobs, sample average approximation yields a solution which is statistically consistent.
122 - Linfeng Yang , Wei Li , Yan Xu 2020
The thermal unit commitment (UC) problem often can be formulated as a mixed integer quadratic programming (MIQP), which is difficult to solve efficiently, especially for large-scale instances. The tighter characteristic reduces the search space, ther efore, as a natural conse-quence, significantly reduces the computational burden. In the literature, many tightened formulations for single units with parts of constraints were reported without presenting how they were derived. In this paper, a sys-tematic approach is developed to formulate the tight formulations. The idea is using more new variables in high dimension space to capture all the states for single units within three periods, and then, using these state variables systematic derive three-periods locally ideal expressions for a subset of the constraints in UC. Meanwhile, the linear dependence relations of those new state variables are leveraged to keep the compactness of the obtained formulations. Based on this approach, we propose two tighter models, namely 3P-HD and 3P-HD-Pr. The proposed models and other four state-of-the-art models were tested on 51 instances, including 42 realistic instances and 9 8-unit-based instances, over a scheduling period of 24 h for systems ranging from 10 to 1080 generating units. The simulation results show that our proposed MIQP UC formulations are the tightest and can be solved most efficiently. After using piecewise technique to approxi-mate the quadratic operational cost function, the six UC MIQP formulations can be approximated by six corre-sponding mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) formulations. Our experiments show that the proposed 3P-HD and 3P-HD-Pr MILP formulations also perform the best in terms of tightness and solution times.
The thermal unit commitment (UC) problem often can be formulated as a mixed integer quadratic programming (MIQP), which is difficult to solve efficiently, especially for large-scale instances. In this paper, with projecting unit generation level onto [0,1] and reformulation techniques, a novel two binary (2-bin) variables MIQP formulation for UC problem is presented. We show that 2-bin formulation is more compact than the state-of-the-art one binary (1-bin) variable formulation and three binary (3-bin) variables formulation. Moreover, 2-bin formulation is tighter than 1-bin and 3-bin formulations in quadratic cost function, and it is tighter than 1-bin formulation in linear constraints. Three mixed integer linear programming (MILP) formulations can be obtained from three UC MIQPs by replacing the quadratic terms in the objective functions by a sequence of piece-wise perspective-cuts. 2-bin MILP is also the best one due to the similar reasons of MIQP. The simulation results for realistic instances that range in size from 10 to 200 units over a scheduling period of 24 hours show that the proposed 2-bin formulations are competitive with currently state-of-the-art formulations and promising for large-scale UC problems.
93 - Jessica Martin 2020
This work provides analysis of a variant of the Risk-Sharing Principal-Agent problem in a single period setting with additional constant lower and upper bounds on the wage paid to the Agent. First the effect of the extra constraints on optimal contra ct existence is analyzed and leads to conditions on utilities under which an optimum may be attained. Solution characterization is then provided along with the derivation of a Borch rule for Limited Liability. Finally the CARA utility case is considered and a closed form optimal wage and action are obtained. This allows for analysis of the classical CARA utility and gaussian setting.
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