Effect of assisted hopping on thermopower in an interacting quantum dot

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We investigate the electrical conductance and thermopower of a quantum dot tunnel coupled to external leads described by an extension of the Anderson impurity model which takes into account the assisted hopping processes, i.e., the occupancy-dependence of the tunneling amplitudes. We provide analytical understanding based on scaling arguments and the Schrieffer-Wolff transformation, corroborated by detailed numerical calculations using the numerical renormalization group (NRG) method. The assisted hopping modifies the coupling to the two-particle state, which shifts the Kondo exchange coupling constant and exponentially reduces or enhances the Kondo temperature, breaks the particle-hole symmetry, and strongly affects the thermopower. We discuss the gate-voltage and temperature dependence of the transport properties in various regimes. For a particular value of the assisted hopping parameter we find peculiar discontinuous behaviour in the mixed-valence regime. Near this value, we find very high Seebeck coefficient. We show that, quite generally, the thermopower is a highly sensitive probe of assisted hopping and Kondo correlations.

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