Effects of strain on the valence band structure and exciton-polariton energies in ZnO

الملخص بالإنكليزية

The uniaxial stress dependence of the band structure and the exciton-polariton transitions in wurtzite ZnO is thoroughly studied using modern first-principles calculations based on the HSE+G0W0 approach, k p modeling using the deformation potential framework, and polarized photoluminescence measurements. The ordering of the valence bands [A(G7), B(G9), C(G7)] is found to be robust even for high uniaxial and biaxial strains. Theoretical results for the uniaxial pressure coefficients and splitting rates of the A, B, and C valence bands and their optical transitions are obtained including the effects of the spin-orbit interaction. The excitonic deformation potentials are derived and the stress rates for hydrostatic pressure are determined based on the results for uniaxial and biaxial stress. In addition, the theory for the stress dependence of the exchange interaction and longitudinal-transversal splitting of the exciton-polaritons is developed using the basic exciton functions of the quasi-cubic approximation and taking the interaction between all exciton states into account. It is shown that the consideration of these effects is crucial for an accurate description of the stress dependence of the optical spectra in ZnO. The theoretical results are compared to polarized photoluminescence measurements of different ZnO substrates as function of uniaxial pressure and experimental values reported in the literature demonstrating an excellent agreement with the computed pressure coefficients.

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