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Verdict Accuracy of Quick Reduct Algorithm using Clustering and Classification Techniques for Gene Expression Data

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 نشر من قبل E.N.Sathishkumar
 تاريخ النشر 2013
  مجال البحث الهندسة المعلوماتية
والبحث باللغة English

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In most gene expression data, the number of training samples is very small compared to the large number of genes involved in the experiments. However, among the large amount of genes, only a small fraction is effective for performing a certain task. Furthermore, a small subset of genes is desirable in developing gene expression based diagnostic tools for delivering reliable and understandable results. With the gene selection results, the cost of biological experiment and decision can be greatly reduced by analyzing only the marker genes. An important application of gene expression data in functional genomics is to classify samples according to their gene expression profiles. Feature selection (FS) is a process which attempts to select more informative features. It is one of the important steps in knowledge discovery. Conventional supervised FS methods evaluate various feature subsets using an evaluation function or metric to select only those features which are related to the decision classes of the data under consideration. This paper studies a feature selection method based on rough set theory. Further K-Means, Fuzzy C-Means (FCM) algorithm have implemented for the reduced feature set without considering class labels. Then the obtained results are compared with the original class labels. Back Propagation Network (BPN) has also been used for classification. Then the performance of K-Means, FCM, and BPN are analyzed through the confusion matrix. It is found that the BPN is performing well comparatively.

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اقرأ أيضاً

textit{Drosophila melanogaster} has been established as a model organism for investigating the fundamental principles of developmental gene interactions. The gene expression patterns of textit{Drosophila melanogaster} can be documented as digital ima ges, which are annotated with anatomical ontology terms to facilitate pattern discovery and comparison. The automated annotation of gene expression pattern images has received increasing attention due to the recent expansion of the image database. The effectiveness of gene expression pattern annotation relies on the quality of feature representation. Previous studies have demonstrated that sparse coding is effective for extracting features from gene expression images. However, solving sparse coding remains a computationally challenging problem, especially when dealing with large-scale data sets and learning large size dictionaries. In this paper, we propose a novel algorithm to solve the sparse coding problem, called Stochastic Coordinate Coding (SCC). The proposed algorithm alternatively updates the sparse codes via just a few steps of coordinate descent and updates the dictionary via second order stochastic gradient descent. The computational cost is further reduced by focusing on the non-zero components of the sparse codes and the corresponding columns of the dictionary only in the updating procedure. Thus, the proposed algorithm significantly improves the efficiency and the scalability, making sparse coding applicable for large-scale data sets and large dictionary sizes. Our experiments on Drosophila gene expression data sets demonstrate the efficiency and the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.
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