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Lucky Imaging of transiting planet host stars with LuckyCam

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 نشر من قبل Francesca Faedi
 تاريخ النشر 2013
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف F. Faedi

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We obtained high-resolution, high-contrast optical imaging in the SDSS $i$ band with the LuckyCam camera mounted on the 2.56m Nordic Optical Telescope, to search for faint stellar companions to 16 stars harbouring transiting exoplanets. The Lucky Imaging technique uses very short exposures to obtain near diffraction-limited images yielding sub-arcsecond sensitivity, allowing us to search for faint stellar companions within the seeing disc of the primary planet host. Here we report the detection of two candidate stellar companions to the planet host TrES-1 at separations $<6.5arcsec$ and we confirm stellar companions to CoRoT-2, CoRoT-3, TrES-2, TrES-4, and HAT-P-7 already known in the literature. We do not confirm the candidate companions to HAT-P-8 found via Lucky Imaging by citet{Bergfors2013}, however, most probably because HAT-P-8 was observed in poor seeing conditions. Our detection sensitivity limits allow us to place constraints on the spectral types and masses of the putative bound companions to the planet host stars in our sample. If bound, the stellar companions identified in this work would provide stringent observational constraints to models of planet formation and evolution. In addition these companions could affect the derived physical properties of the exoplanets in these systems.

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To understand the influence of additional wide stellar companions on planet formation, it is necessary to determine the fraction of multiple stellar systems amongst the known extrasolar planet population. We target recently discovered radial velocity exoplanetary systems observable from the northern hemisphere and with sufficiently high proper motion to detect stellar companions via direct imaging. We utilize the Calar Alto 2.2m telescope in combination with its lucky imaging camera AstraLux. 71 planet host stars have been observed so far, yielding one new low-mass (0.239 pm 0.022Modot) stellar companion, 4.5 arcsec (227AU of projected separation) northeast of the planet host star HD185269, detected via astrometry with AstraLux. We also present follow-up astrometry on three previously discovered stellar companions, showing for the first time common proper motion of the 0.5 arcsec companion to HD126614. Additionally, we determined the achieved detection limits for all targets, which allows us to characterize the detection space of possible further companions of these stars.
The vast majority of extrasolar planets are detected by indirect detection methods such as transit monitoring and radial velocity measurements. While these methods are very successful in detecting short-periodic planets, they are mostly blind to wide sub-stellar or even stellar companions on long orbits. In our study we present high resolution imaging observations of 63 exoplanet hosts carried out with the lucky imaging instrument AstraLux at the Calar Alto 2.2m telescope as well as with the new SPHERE high resolution adaptive optics imager at the ESO/VLT in the case of a known companion of specific interest. Our goal is to study the influence of stellar multiplicity on the planet formation process. We detected and confirmed 4 previously unknown stellar companions to the exoplanet hosts HD197037, HD217786, Kepler-21 and Kepler-68. In addition, we detected 11 new low-mass stellar companion candidates which must still be confirmed as bound companions. We also provide new astrometric and photometric data points for the recently discovered very close binary systems WASP-76 and HD2638. Furthermore, we show for the first time that the previously detected stellar companion to the HD185269 system is a very low mass binary. Finally we provide precise constraints on additional companions for all observed stars in our sample.
We perform a detailed study of six transiting planetary systems with relatively bright stars close enough to affect observations of these systems. Light curves are analysed taking into account the contaminating light and its uncertainty. We present a nd apply a method to correct the velocity amplitudes of the host stars for the presence of contaminating light. We determine the physical properties of six systems (WASP-20, WASP-70, WASP-8, WASP-76, WASP-2 and WASP-131) accounting for contaminating light. In the case of WASP-20 the measured physical properties are very different for the three scenarios considered (ignoring binarity, planet transits brighter star, and planet transits fainter star). In the other five cases our results are very similar to those obtained neglecting contaminating light. We use our results to determine the mean correction factors to planet radius, $langle X_Rrangle$, mass, $langle X_Mrangle$, and density, $langle X_rhorangle$, caused by nearby objects. We find $langle X_Rrangle=1.009pm0.045$, which is smaller than literature values because we were able to reject the possibility that the planet orbits the fainter star in all but one case. We find $langle X_Mrangle=1.031pm0.019$, which is larger than $langle X_Rrangle$ because of the strength of the effect of contaminating light on the radial velocity measurements of the host star. We find $langle X_rhorangle=0.995pm 0.046$: the small size of this correction is due to two effects: the corrections on planet radius and mass partially cancel; and some nearby stars are close enough to contaminate the light curves of the system but not radial velocities of the host star. We conclude that binarity of planet host stars is important for the small number of transiting hot Jupiters with a very bright and close nearby star, but it has only a small effect on population-level studies of these objects.
We present new UBV(RI)_C photometry of 22 stars that host transiting planets, 19 of which were discovered by the WASP survey. We use these data together with 2MASS JHK_S photometry to estimate the effective temperature of these stars using the infrar ed flux method. We find that the effective temperature estimates for stars discovered by the WASP survey based on the analysis of spectra are reliable to better than their quoted uncertainties.
Most extrasolar planets have been detected by their influence on their parent star, typically either gravitationally (the Doppler method) or by the small dip in brightness as the planet blocks a portion of the star (the transit method). Therefore, th e accuracy with which we know the masses and radii of extrasolar planets depends directly on how well we know those of the stars, the latter usually determined from the measured stellar surface gravity, logg. Recent work has demonstrated that the short-timescale brightness variations (flicker) of stars can be used to measure logg to a high accuracy of ~0.1-0.2 dex (Bastien et al. 2013). Here, we use flicker measurements of 289 bright (Kepmag<13) candidate planet-hosting stars with Teff=4500-6650 K to re-assess the stellar parameters and determine the resulting impact on derived planet properties. This re-assessment reveals that for the brightest planet-host stars, an astrophysical bias exists that contaminates the stellar sample with evolved stars: nearly 50% of the bright planet-host stars are subgiants. As a result, the stellar radii, and hence the radii of the planets orbiting these stars, are on average 20-30% larger than previous measurements had suggested.
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