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Observations and modeling of the emerging EUV loops in the quiet Sun as seen with the Solar Dynamics Observatory

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 نشر من قبل Lakshmi Pradeep Chitta
 تاريخ النشر 2013
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We used data from the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI), and Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) on the textit{Solar Dynamics Observatory} (SDO) to study coronal loops at small scales, emerging in the quiet Sun. With HMI line-of-sight magnetograms, we derive the integrated and unsigned photospheric magnetic flux at the loop footpoints in the photosphere. These loops are bright in the EUV channels of AIA. Using the six AIA EUV filters, we construct the differential emission measure (DEM) in the temperature range $5.7 - 6.5$ in log $T$ (K) for several hours of observations. The observed DEMs have a peak distribution around log $T approx$ 6.3, falling rapidly at higher temperatures. For log $T <$ 6.3, DEMs are comparable to their peak values within an order of magnitude. The emission weighted temperature is calculated, and its time variations are compared with those of magnetic flux. We present two possibilities for explaining the observed DEMs and temperatures variations. (a) Assuming the observed loops are comprised of hundred thin strands with certain radius and length, we tested three time-dependent heating models and compared the resulting DEMs and temperatures with the observed quantities. This modeling used Enthalpy-based Thermal Evolution of Loops (EBTEL), a zero-dimensional (0D) hydrodynamic code. The comparisons suggest that a medium frequency heating model with a population of different heating amplitudes can roughly reproduce the observations. (b) We also consider a loop model with steady heating and non-uniform cross-section of the loop along its length, and find that this model can also reproduce the observed DEMs, provided the loop expansion factor $gamma sim$ 5 - 10. More observational constraints are required to better understand the nature of coronal heating in the short emerging loops on the quiet Sun.

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The solar atmosphere is extremely dynamic, and many important phenomena develop on small scales that are unresolved in observations with the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) instrument on the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO). For correct calibr ation and interpretation of the observations, it is very important to investigate the effects of small-scale structures and dynamics on the HMI observables, such as Doppler shift, continuum intensity, spectral line depth, and width. We use 3D radiative hydrodynamics simulations of the upper turbulent convective layer and the atmosphere of the Sun, and a spectro-polarimetric radiative transfer code to study observational characteristics of the Fe I 6173A line observed by HMI in quiet-Sun regions. We use the modeling results to investigate the sensitivity of the line Doppler shift to plasma velocity, and also sensitivities of the line parameters to plasma temperature and density, and determine effective line formation heights for observations of solar regions located at different distances from the disc center. These estimates are important for the interpretation of helioseismology measurements. In addition, we consider various center-to-limb effects, such as convective blue-shift, variations of helioseismic travel-times, and the concave Sun effect, and show that the simulations can qualitatively reproduce the observed phenomena, indicating that these effects are related to a complex interaction of the solar dynamics and radiative transfer.
We investigate the fine structure of magnetic fields in the atmosphere of the quiet Sun. We use photospheric magnetic field measurements from {sc Sunrise}/IMaX with unprecedented spatial resolution to extrapolate the photospheric magnetic field into higher layers of the solar atmosphere with the help of potential and force-free extrapolation techniques. We find that most magnetic loops which reach into the chromosphere or higher have one foot point in relatively strong magnetic field regions in the photosphere. $91%$ of the magnetic energy in the mid chromosphere (at a height of 1 Mm) is in field lines, whose stronger foot point has a strength of more than 300 G, i.e. above the equipartition field strength with convection. The loops reaching into the chromosphere and corona are also found to be asymmetric in the sense that the weaker foot point has a strength $B < 300$ G and is located in the internetwork. Such loops are expected to be strongly dynamic and have short lifetimes, as dictated by the properties of the internetwork fields.
72 - G. Del Zanna 2019
We benchmark new atomic data against a selection of irradiances obtained from medium-resolution quiet Sun spectra in the EUV, from 60 to 1040 AA. We use as a baseline the irradiances measured during solar minimum on 2008 April 14 by the prototype (PE VE) of the Solar Dynamics Observatory Extreme ultraviolet Variability Experiment (EVE). We take into account some inconsistencies in the PEVE data, using flight EVE data and irradiances we obtained from Solar & Heliospheric Observatory (SoHO) Coronal Diagnostics Spectrometer (CDS) data. We perform a differential emission measure and find overall excellent agreement (to within the accuracy of the observations, about 20%) between predicted and measured irradiances in most cases, although we point out several problems with the currently available ion charge state distributions. We used the photospheric chemical abundances of Asplund et al. (2009). The new atomic data are nearly complete in this spectral range, for medium-resolution irradiance spectra. Finally, we use observations of the active Sun in 1969 to show that also in that case the composition of the solar corona up to 1 MK is nearly photospheric. Variations of a factor of 2 are present for higher-temperature plasma, which is emitted within active regions.These results are in excellent agreement with our previous findings.
ALMA observations of the Sun at mm-$lambda$ offer a unique opportunity to investigate the temperature structure of the solar chromosphere. In this article we expand our previous work on modeling the chromospheric temperature of the quiet Sun, by incl uding measurements of the brightness temperature in the network and cell interiors, from high resolution ALMA images at 3 mm (Band 3) and 1.26 mm (Band 6). We also examine the absolute calibration of ALMA full-disk images. We suggest that the brightness temperature at the center of the solar disk in Band 6 is $sim440$ K above the value recommended by White et al. (2017) and we give improved results for the electron temperature variation of the average quiet Sun with optical depth, as well as the derived spectrum at the center of the disk. We found that the electron temperature in the network is considerably lower than predicted by model F of Fontenla et al. (1993) and that of the cell interior considerably higher than predicted by model A. Depending upon the network/cell segregation scheme, the electron temperature difference between network and cell at $tau=1$ (100 GHz) is from $sim$660 to $sim$1550 K, compared to $sim$3280 K predicted by the models; similarly, the $T_e$ ratio is from $sim$1.10, to 1.24, against $sim$1.55 of the model prediction. We also found that the network/cell $T_e(tau)$ curves diverge as $tau$ decreases, indicating an increase of contrast with height and possibly a steeper temperature rise in the network than in the cell interior.
The Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) and the Exteme-ultraviolet Variability Experiment (EVE) onboard the Solar Dynamics Observatory include spectral windows in the X-ray/EUV band. Accuracy and completeness of the atomic data in this wavelength rang e is essential for interpretation of the spectrum and irradiance of the solar corona, and of SDO observations made with the AIA and EVE instruments. Here we test the X-ray/EUV data in the CHIANTI database to assess their completeness and accuracy in the SDO bands, with particular focus on the 94A and 131A AIA passbands. Given the paucity of solar observations adequate for this purpose, we use high-resolution X-ray spectra of the low-activity solar-like corona of Procyon obtained with the Chandra Low Energy Transmission Grating Spectrometer (LETGS). We find that while spectral models overall can reproduce quite well the observed spectra in the soft X-ray range ll < 50A, and at the EUV wavelengths ll >130A, they significantly underestimate the observed flux in the 50-130A wavelength range. The model underestimates the observed flux by a variable factor ranging from approx 1.5, at short wavelengths below sim50A, up to approx5-7 in the sim 70-125A range. In the AIA bands covered by LETGS, i.e. 94A and 131A, we find that the observed flux can be underestimated by large factors (sim 3 and sim 1.9 respectively, for the case of Procyon presented here). We discuss the consequences for analysis of AIA data and possible empirical corrections to the AIA responses to model more realistically the coronal emission in these passbands.
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