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High-spin structure in $^{40}$K

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 نشر من قبل P\\\"ar-Anders S\\\"oderstr\\\"om
 تاريخ النشر 2012
  مجال البحث
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High-spin states of $^{40}$K have been populated in the fusion-evaporation reaction $^{12}$C($^{30}$Si,np)$^{40}$K and studied by means of $gamma$-ray spectroscopy techniques using one AGATA triple cluster detector, at INFN - Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro. Several new states with excitation energy up to 8 MeV and spin up to $10^-$ have been discovered. These new states are discussed in terms of J=3 and T=0 neutron-proton hole pairs. Shell-model calculations in a large model space have shown a good agreement with the experimental data for most of the energy levels. The evolution of the structure of this nucleus is here studied as a function of excitation energy and angular momentum.

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40K plays a significant role in the radiogenic heating of earth-like exoplanets, which can affect the development of a habitable environment on their surfaces. The initial amount of 40K in the interior of these planets depends on the composition of t he interstellar clouds from which they formed. Within this context, nuclear reactions that regulate the production of 40K during stellar evolution can play a critical role. In this study, we constrain for the first time the astrophysical reaction rate of 40K(n,p)40Ar, which is responsible for the destruction of 40K during stellar nucleosynthesis. We performed differential cross-section measurements on the 40Ar(p,n)40K reaction, for six energies in the center-of-mass between 3.2 and 4.0 MeV and various angles between 0-deg and 135-deg. The experiment took place at the Edwards Accelerator Laboratory at Ohio University using the beam swinger target location and a standard neutron time-of-flight technique. The total and partial cross-sections varied with energy due to the contribution from isobaric analog states and Ericson type fluctuations. The energy-averaged neutron angular distributions were symmetrical relative to 90-deg and consistent with the theoretical predictions of the statistical model. Based on the experimental data, local transmission coefficients were extracted and were used to calculate the astrophysical reaction rates of 40Ar(p,n)40K and 40K(n,p)40Ar reactions. Our results support that the destruction rate of 40K in massive stars via the 40K(n,p)40Ar reaction is larger compared to previous estimates. This result directly affects the predicted stellar yields of 40K from nucleosynthesis, which is a critical input parameter for the galactic chemical evolution models that are currently employed for the study of significant properties of exoplanets.
Excited states of the neutron deficient $^{103}$Cd nucleus have been investigated via the $^{72}$Ge($^{35}$Cl, p3n) reaction at beam energy of 135 MeV by use of in-beam spectroscopic methods. Gamma rays depopulating the excited states were detected u sing the Gammasphere spectrometer with high-fold $gamma$-ray coincidences. A quadrupole $gamma$-ray coincidence analysis ($gamma^{4}$) has been used to extend the known level scheme. The positive parity levels have been established up to $J = 35/2hbar$ and $E_{x} = 7.071$ MeV. In addition to the observation of highly-fragmented level scheme belonging to the positive-parity sequences at E$_{x}sim$ 5 MeV, the termination of a negative-parity sequence connected by $E2$ transitions has been established at $J = 47/2 hbar$ and $E_{x} = 11.877$ MeV. The experimental results corresponding to both the positive- and negative-parity sequences have been theoretically interpreted in the framework of the core particle coupling model. Evidence is presented for a shape change from collective prolate to non-collective oblate above the $J^{pi} = 39/2^{-}$ (8011 keV) level and for a smooth termination of the negative-parity band.
56 - M. Wang , Y. Y. Wang , L. H. Zhu 2018
High-spin structure of $^{109}$In has been investigated with the $^{100}$Mo($^{14}$N, 5$n$)$^{109}$In reaction at a beam energy of 78 MeV using the in-beam $gamma$ spectroscopic method. The level scheme of $^{109}$In has been modified considerably an d extended by 46 new $gamma$-rays to the highest excited state at 8.979 MeV and $J^{pi}$=(45/2$^{+}$). The new level scheme consists of eight bands, six of which are identified as dipole bands. The configurations have been tentatively assigned with the help of the systematics of neighboring odd-$A$ indium isotopes and the experimental aligned angular momenta. The dipole bands are then compared with the titled axis cranking calculation in the framework of covariant density function theory (TAC-CDFT). The results of theoretical calculation based on the configurations, which involve one proton hole at the $g_{9/2}$ orbital and two or four unpaired neutrons at $g_{7/2}$, $d_{5/2}$ and $h_{11/2}$ orbitals, show that the shape of $^{109}$In undergoes an evolution on both $beta$ and $gamma$ deformations and possible chirality is suggested in $^{109}$In.
Excited states in the neutron-rich N=38,36 nuclei uc{60}{Ti} and uc{58}{Ti} were populated in nucleon-removal reactions from uc{61}{V} projectiles at 90~MeV/nucleon. The gamma-ray transitions from such states in these Ti isotopes were detected wit h the advanced gamma-ray tracking array GRETINA and were corrected event-by-event for large Doppler shifts (v/c sim 0.4) using the gamma-ray interaction points deduced from online signal decomposition. The new data indicate that a steep decrease in quadrupole collectivity occurs when moving from neutron-rich N=36,38 Fe and Cr toward the Ti and Ca isotones. In fact, uc{58,60}{Ti} provide some of the most neutron-rich benchmarks accessible today for calculations attempting to determine the structure of the potentially doubly-magic nucleus uc{60}{Ca}.
An isomer, with t1/2 = 35 +- 10 ns and J, Kpi = 14, 14+, has been observed in the nucleus 176W using the reaction 150Nd(30Si,4n) at a beam energy of 133 MeV. The isomer exhibits an unusual pattern of decay in which the _majority_ of the flux proceeds directly to states with <K>=0, bypassing available levels of intermediate K. This severe breakdown of normal K-selection rules in 176W is compared with recent observations of K-violation in neighboring nuclei, within the framework of proposed theoretical approaches. The available data on these K-violating decays seem to have a consistent explanation in models of K-mixing which include large-amplitude fluctuations of the nuclear shape.
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