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Efficient Tabling of Structured Data with Enhanced Hash-Consing

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 نشر من قبل Neng-Fa Zhou
 تاريخ النشر 2012
  مجال البحث الهندسة المعلوماتية
والبحث باللغة English

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Current tabling systems suffer from an increase in space complexity, time complexity or both when dealing with sequences due to the use of data structures for tabled subgoals and answers and the need to copy terms into and from the table area. This symptom can be seen in not only B-Prolog, which uses hash tables, but also systems that use tries such as XSB and YAP. In this paper, we apply hash-consing to tabling structured data in B-Prolog. While hash-consing can reduce the space consumption when sharing is effective, it does not change the time complexity. We enhance hash-consing with two techniques, called input sharing and hash code memoization, for reducing the time complexity by avoiding computing hash codes for certain terms. The improved system is able to eliminate the extra linear factor in the old system for processing sequences, thus significantly enhancing the scalability of applications such as language parsing and bio-sequence analysis applications. We confirm this improvement with experimental results.

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147 - Neng-Fa Zhou , Taisuke Sato , 2007
Recently, the iterative approach named linear tabling has received considerable attention because of its simplicity, ease of implementation, and good space efficiency. Linear tabling is a framework from which different methods can be derived based on the strategies used in handling looping subgoals. One decision concerns when answers are consumed and returned. This paper describes two strategies, namely, {it lazy} and {it eager} strategies, and compares them both qualitatively and quantitatively. The results indicate that, while the lazy strategy has good locality and is well suited for finding all solutions, the eager strategy is comparable in speed with the lazy strategy and is well suited for programs with cuts. Linear tabling relies on depth-first iterative deepening rather than suspension to compute fixpoints. Each cluster of inter-dependent subgoals as represented by a top-most looping subgoal is iteratively evaluated until no subgoal in it can produce any new answers. Naive re-evaluation of all looping subgoals, albeit simple, may be computationally unacceptable. In this paper, we also introduce semi-naive optimization, an effective technique employed in bottom-up evaluation of logic programs to avoid redundant joins of answers, into linear tabling. We give the conditions for the technique to be safe (i.e. sound and complete) and propose an optimization technique called {it early answer promotion} to enhance its effectiveness. Benchmarking in B-Prolog demonstrates that with this optimization linear tabling compares favorably well in speed with the state-of-the-art implementation of SLG.
This paper presents a scalable path- and context-sensitive data-dependence analysis. The key is to address the aliasing-path-explosion problem via a sparse, demand-driven, and fused approach that piggybacks the computation of pointer information with the resolution of data dependence. Specifically, our approach decomposes the computational efforts of disjunctive reasoning into 1) a context- and semi-path-sensitive analysis that concisely summarizes data dependence as the symbolic and storeless value-flow graphs, and 2) a demand-driven phase that resolves transitive data dependence over the graphs. We have applied the approach to two clients, namely thin slicing and value flow analysis. Using a suite of 16 programs ranging from 13 KLoC to 8 MLoC, we compare our techniques against a diverse group of state-of-the-art analyses, illustrating significant precision and scalability advantages of our approach.
The secure hash function SHA-256 is a function on bit strings. This means that its restriction to the bit strings of any given length can be computed by a finite instruction sequence that contains only instructions to set and get the content of Boole an registers, forward jump instructions, and a termination instruction. We describe such instruction sequences for the restrictions to bit strings of the different possible lengths by means of uniform terms from an algebraic theory.
Recent program synthesis techniques help users customize CAD models(e.g., for 3D printing) by decompiling low-level triangle meshes to Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG) expressions. Without loops or functions, editing CSG can require many coordinated changes, and existing mesh decompilers use heuristics that can obfuscate high-level structure. This paper proposes a second decompilation stage to robustly shrink unstructured CSG expressions into more editable programs with map and fold operators. We present Szalinski, a tool that uses Equality Saturation with semantics-preserving CAD rewrites to efficiently search for smaller equivalent programs. Szalinski relies on inverse transformations, a novel way for solvers to speculatively add equivalences to an E-graph. We qualitatively evaluate Szalinski in case studies, show how it composes with an existing mesh decompiler, and demonstrate that Szalinski can shrink large models in seconds.
The most successful unfolding rules used nowadays in the partial evaluation of logic programs are based on well quasi orders (wqo) applied over (covering) ancestors, i.e., a subsequence of the atoms selected during a derivation. Ancestor (sub)sequenc es are used to increase the specialization power of unfolding while still guaranteeing termination and also to reduce the number of atoms for which the wqo has to be checked. Unfortunately, maintaining the structure of the ancestor relation during unfolding introduces significant overhead. We propose an efficient, practical local unfolding rule based on the notion of covering ancestors which can be used in combination with a wqo and allows a stack-based implementation without losing any opportunities for specialization. Using our technique, certain non-leftmost unfoldings are allowed as long as local unfolding is performed, i.e., we cover depth-first strategies.
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