ﻻ يوجد ملخص باللغة العربية
Distributivity in algebraic structures appeared in many contexts such as in quasigroup theory, semigroup theory and algebraic knot theory. In this paper we give a survey of distributivity in quasigroup theory and in quandle theory.
Parastrophes (conjugates) of a quasigroup can be divided into separate classes containing isotopic parastrophes. We prove that the number of such classes is always 1, 2, 3 or 6. Next we characterize quasigroups having a fixed number of such classes.
The concept of a k-translatable groupoid is introduced. Those k-translatable quadratical quasigroups induced by the additive group of integers modulo m, where k<40, are listed for m<1200. The fine structure of quadratical quasigroups is explored in d
Any pentagonal quasigroup is proved to have the product xy = R(x)+y-R(y) where (Q,+) is an Abelian group, R is its regular automorphism satisfying R^4-R^3+R^2-R+1 = 0 and 1 is the identity mapping. All abelian groups of order n<100 inducing pentagona
We prove the main result that a groupoid of order n is an idempotent k-translatable quasigroup if and only if its multiplication is given by x.y = (ax+by)(mod n), where a+b = 1(mod n), a+bk = 0(mod n) and (k,n)= 1. We describe the structure of variou
We describe types of double magma associated with Ward quasigroups, double Ward quasigroups, their duals and the groups they generate. Ward quasigroup double magma and unipotent, right modular, left unital double magma are proved to be improper. Nece