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Approximate rogue wave solutions of the forced and damped Nonlinear Schrodinger equation for water waves

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 نشر من قبل Davide Proment Dr.
 تاريخ النشر 2012
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We consider the effect of the wind and the dissipation on the nonlinear stages of the modulational instability. By applying a suitable transformation, we map the forced/damped Nonlinear Schrodinger (NLS) equation into the standard NLS with constant coefficients. The transformation is valid as long as |{Gamma}t| ll 1, with {Gamma} the growth/damping rate of the waves due to the wind/dissipation. Approximate rogue wave solutions of the equation are presented and discussed. The results shed some lights on the effects of wind and dissipation on the formation of rogue waves.

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اقرأ أيضاً

We propose a novel, analytically tractable, scenario of the rogue wave formation in the framework of the small-dispersion focusing nonlinear Schrodinger (NLS) equation with the initial condition in the form of a rectangular barrier (a box). We use th e Whitham modulation theory combined with the nonlinear steepest descent for the semi-classical inverse scattering transform, to describe the evolution and interaction of two counter-propagating nonlinear wave trains --- the dispersive dam break flows --- generated in the NLS box problem. We show that the interaction dynamics results in the emergence of modulated large-amplitude quasi-periodic breather lattices whose amplitude profiles are closely approximated by the Akhmediev and Peregrine breathers within certain space-time domain. Our semi-classical analytical results are shown to be in excellent agreement with the results of direct numerical simulations of the small-dispersion focusing NLS equation.
We present doubly-periodic solutions of the infinitely extended nonlinear Schrodinger equation with an arbitrary number of higher-order terms and corresponding free real parameters. Solutions have one additional free variable parameter that allows to vary periods along the two axes. The presence of infinitely many free parameters provides many possibilities in applying the solutions to nonlinear wave evolution. Being general, this solution admits several particular cases which are also given in this work.
Nonlinear stages of the recently uncovered instability due to insoluble surfactant at the interface between two fluids are investigated for the case of a creeping plane Couette flow with one of the fluids a thin film and the other one a much thicker layer. Numerical simulation of strongly nonlinear longwave evolution equations which couple the film thickness and the surfactant concentration reveals that in contrast to all similar instabilities of surfactant-free flows, no amount of the interfacial shear rate can lead to a small-amplitude saturation of the instability. Thus, the flow is stable when the shear is zero, but with non-zero shear rates, no matter how small or large (while remaining below an upper limit set by the assumption of creeping flow), it will reach large deviations from the base values-- of the order of the latter or larger. It is conjectured that the time this evolution takes grows to infinity as the interfacial shear approaches zero. It is verified that the absence of small-amplitude saturation is not a singularity of the zero surface diffusivity of the interfacial surfactant.
We examine the general question of statistical changes experienced by ensembles of nonlinear random waves propagating in systems ruled by integrable equations. In our study that enters within the framework of integrable turbulence, we specifically fo cus on optical fiber systems accurately described by the integrable one-dimensional nonlinear Schrodinger equation. We consider random complex fields having a gaussian statistics and an infinite extension at initial stage. We use numerical simulations with periodic boundary conditions and optical fiber experiments to investigate spectral and statistical changes experienced by nonlinear waves in focusing and in defocusing propagation regimes. As a result of nonlinear propagation, the power spectrum of the random wave broadens and takes exponential wings both in focusing and in defocusing regimes. Heavy-tailed deviations from gaussian statistics are observed in focusing regime while low-tailed deviations from gaussian statistics are observed in defocusing regime. After some transient evolution, the wave system is found to exhibit a statistically stationary state in which neither the probability density function of the wave field nor the spectrum change with the evolution variable. Separating fluctuations of small scale from fluctuations of large scale both in focusing and defocusing regime, we reveal the phenomenon of intermittency; i.e., small scales are characterized by large heavy-tailed deviations from Gaussian statistics, while the large ones are almost Gaussian.
The double-periodic solutions of the focusing nonlinear Schrodinger equation have been previously obtained by the method of separation of variables. We construct these solutions by using an algebraic method with two eigenvalues. Furthermore, we chara cterize the Lax spectrum for the double-periodic solutions and analyze rogue waves arising on their background. Magnification of the rogue waves is studied numerically.
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