Stability conditions for Slodowy slices and real variations of stability

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We provide examples of an explicit submanifold in Bridgeland stabilities space of a local Calabi-Yau, and propose a new variant of definition of stabilities on a triangulated category, which we call a real variation of stability conditions. We discuss its relation to Bridgelands definition; the main theorem provides an illustration of such a relation. We also state a conjecture by the second author and Okounkov relating this structure to quantum cohomology of symplectic resolutions and establish its validity in some special cases. More precisely, let X be the standard resolution of a transversal slice to an adjoint nilpotent orbit of a simple Lie algebra over C. An action of the affine braid group on the derived category of coherent sheaves on X and a collection of t-structures on this category permuted by the action have been constructed in arXiv:1101.3702 and arXiv:1001.2562 respectively. In this note we show that the t-structures come from points in a certain connected submanifold in the space of Bridgeland stability conditions. The submanifold is a covering of a submanifold in the dual space to the Grothendieck group, and the affine braid group acts by deck transformations. In the special case when dim (X)=2 a similar (in fact, stronger) result was obtained in arXiv:math/0508257.

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