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An updated MILES stellar library and stellar population models

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 نشر من قبل Jes\\'us Falc\\'on-Barroso
 تاريخ النشر 2011
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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(Aims) We present a number of improvements to the MILES library and stellar population models. We correct some small errors in the radial velocities of the stars, measure the spectral resolution of the library and models more accurately, and give a better absolute flux calibration of the models. (Methods) We use cross-correlation techniques to correct the radial velocities of the offset stars and the penalised pixel-fitting method, together with different sets of stellar templates, to re-assess the spectral resolution of the MILES stellar library and models. We have also re-calibrated the zero-point flux level of the models using a new calibration scheme. (Results) The end result is an even more homogeneously calibrated stellar library than the originally released one, with a measured spectral resolution of ~2.5AA, almost constant with wavelength, for both the MILES stellar library and models. Furthermore, the new absolute flux calibration for the spectra excellently agrees with predictions based on independent photometric libraries. (Conclusions) This improved version of the MILES library and models (version 9.1) is available at the projects website (http://miles.iac.es).

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Empirical stellar libraries are extensively used to extract stellar kinematics in galaxies and to build stellar population models. An accurate knowledge of the spectral resolution of these libraries is critical to avoid propagation errors and uncerta in estimates of the intrinsic stellar velocity dispersion of galaxies. In this research note we re-assess the spectral resolution of the MILES stellar library and of the stellar population models based on it. This exercise was performed, because of a recent controversy over the exact MILES resolution. We perform our test through the comparison of MILES stellar spectra with three different sets of higher-resolution templates, one fully theoretical - the MARCS library - and two empirical ones, namely the Indo-U.S. and ELODIE v3.1 libraries. The theoretical template has a well-defined very high (R=20000) resolution. Hence errors on this theoretical value do not affect our conclusions. Our approach based on the MARCS library was crucial to constrain the values of the resolution also for the other two empirical templates. We find that the MILES resolution has previously been slightly overestimated. We derive a new spectral resolution of 2.54 A FWHM, instead of the nominal 2.3 A. The reason for this difference is due to an overestimation of the resolution for the Indo-U.S. library that was previously used for estimates of the MILES resolution. For the Indo-U.S. we obtain a new value of 1.35 A FWHM. Most importantly, the results derived from the MARCS and ELODIE libraries are in very good agreement. These results are important for users of the MILES spectra library and for further development of stellar population models aimed to obtain accurate stellar kinematics in galaxies.
The spectral predictions of stellar population models are not as accurate in the ultra-violet (UV) as in the optical wavelength domain. One of the reasons is the lack of high-quality stellar libraries. The New Generation Stellar Library (NGSL), recen tly released,represents a significant step towards the improvement of this situation. To prepare NGSL for population synthesis, we determined the atmospheric parameters of its stars, we assessed the precision of the wavelength calibration and characterised its intrinsic resolution. We also measured the Galactic extinction for each of the NGSL stars. For our analyses we used ULySS, a full spectrum fitting package, fitting the NGSL spectra against the MILES interpolator. We find that the wavelength calibration is precise up to 0.1 px, after correcting a systematic effect in the optical range. The spectral resolution varies from 3{AA} in the UV to 10{AA} in the near-infrared (NIR), corresponding to a roughly constant reciprocal resolution R ~ 1000 and an instrumental velocity dispersion $sigma_{ins}$ ~ 130 km/s. We derived the atmospheric parameters homogeneously. The precision for the FGK stars is 42K, 0.24 and 0.09 dex for Teff, logg and [Fe/H], respectively. The corresponding mean errors are 29K, 0.50 and 0.48 dex for theMstars, and for the OBA stars they are 4.5 percent, 0.44 and 0.18 dex. The comparison with the literature shows that our results are not biased.
In order to build more realistic single stellar population (SSP) models with variable alpha-enhancement, we have recently determined [Mg/Fe] in a uniform scale with a precision of about 0.1 dex for 752 stars in the MILES empirical library. The [alpha /Fe] abundance ratio is commonly used as a good temporal scale indicator of star formation, taking Mg as a template for alpha elements. Calcium is another element whose abundance is currently being investigated for the MILES stars. The MILES library is also being expanded by around 20% by including stars with known Teff, log g, [Fe/H] and [Mg/Fe]. The transformation of their photospheric parameters to the MILES system has been carried out, but the calibration of their [Mg/Fe] is still in progress. In parallel, C, N and O abundances are also being compiled from literature for the library stars because they play an important role in the photospheric opacity, particularly influencing the blue spectral region. The Galactic kinematic classification of MILES stars with compiled [Mg/Fe] has been just computed such that this information can be considered in the SSP modeling. Comparisons of theoretical stellar predictions of the Lick line-strength indices against the MILES data have revealed the good behaviour of Fe-sensitive indices predictions, while highlighting areas for improvement in some models for the higher order H-Balmer features.
[Abridged]. We present SEDs for single-age, single-metallicity stellar populations (SSPs) covering the optical range at resolution 2.3A (FWHM). These SEDs constitute our base models, as they combine scaled-solar isochrones with MILES empirical stella r library, which follows the chemical evolution pattern of the solar neighbourhood. The models rely as much as possible on empirical ingredients, not just on the stellar spectra, but also on extensive photometric libraries. The unprecedented stellar parameter coverage of MILES allowed us to safely extend our optical SSP SED predictions from intermediate- to very-old age regimes, and the metallicity coverage of the SSPs from super-solar to [M/H]=-2.3. SSPs with such low metallicities are particularly useful for globular cluster studies. Observed spectra can be studied by means of full spectrum fitting or line-strengths. For the latter we propose a new Line Index System (LIS) to avoid the intrinsic uncertainties associated with the popular Lick/IDS system and provide more appropriate, uniform, spectral resolution. Apart from constant resolution as function of wavelength the system is also based on flux-calibrated spectra. Data can be analyzed at three different resolutions: 5A, 8.4A and 14A (FWHM), which are appropriate for studying globular cluster, low and intermediate-mass galaxies, and massive galaxies, respectively. Polynomials to transform current Lick/IDS line index measurements to the new system are provided. A web-page with a suite of on-line tools to facilitate the handling and transformation of the spectra is available at http://miles.iac.es.
139 - A. Milone 2009
We have obtained [Mg/Fe] for around 77% of the stars of the MILES library of stellar spectra in order to include this important information into simple stellar population (SSP) models. The abundance ratios, which were carefully calibrated to a single uniform scale, were obtained through a compilation from high spectral resolution works plus robust spectroscopic analysis at medium resolution. The high resolution data provided an extensive control sample. Average uncertainties (0.06 and 0.12 dex for the high and medium resolution samples respectively) and the good coverage of the stars with [Mg/Fe] over the MILESs parameter space will permit us to semi-empirically build up new SSP models with accurate alpha-enhancements for ages older than 1 Gyr. This will open new prospects for evolutionary stellar population synthesis.
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