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Suppression of Superfluidity of $^4$He in a Nanoporous Glass by Preplating a Kr Layer

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 نشر من قبل Keiya Shirahama
 تاريخ النشر 2011
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Helium in nanoporous media has attracted much interest as a model Bose system with disorder and confinement. Here we have examined how a change in porous structure by preplating a monolayer of krypton affects the superfluid properties of $^4$He adsorbed or confined in a nanoporous Gelsil glass, which has a three-dimensional interconnected network of nanopores of 5.8 nm in diameter. Isotherms of adsorption and desorption of nitrogen show that monolayer preplating of Kr decreases the effective pore diameter to 4.7 nm and broadens the pore size distribution by about eight times from the sharp distribution of the bare Gelsil sample. The superfluid properties were studied by a torsional oscillator for adsorbed film states and pressurized liquid states, both before and after the monolayer Kr preplating. In the film states, both the superfluid transition temperature $T_{mathrm c}$ and the superfluid density decrease about 10 percent by Kr preplating. The suppression of film superfluidity is attributed to the quantum localization of $^4$He atoms by the randomness in the substrate potential, which is caused by the preplating--induced broadening of the pore size distribution. In the pressurized liquid states, the superfluid density $rho_{mathrm s}$ is found to increase by 10 percent by Kr preplating, whereas $T_{mathrm c}$ is decreased by 2 percent at all pressures. The unexpected enhancement of $rho_{mathrm s}$ might indicate the existence of an unknown disorder effect for confined $^4$He.

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We explore superfluidity for $^4$He confined in a porous glass which has nanopores of 2.5 nm in diameter, at pressures up to 5 MPa. With increasing pressure, the superfluidity is drastically suppressed, and the superfluid transition temperature appro aches 0 K at $P_c = 3.5$ MPa. The features strongly suggest that the extreme confinement of $^4$He into the nanopores induces a quantum phase transition from superfluid to nonsuperfluid at 0 K, and at $P_c$.
The ground state of $^4$He confined in a system with the topology of a cylinder can display properties of a solid, superfluid and liquid crystal. This phase, which we call compactified supersolid (CSS), originates from wrapping the basal planes of th e bulk hcp solid into concentric cylindrical shells, with several central shells exhibiting superfluidity along the axial direction. Its main feature is the presence of a topological defect which can be viewed as a disclination with Frank index $n=1$ observed in liquid crystals, and which, in addition, has a superfluid core. The CSS as well as its transition to an insulating compactified solid with a very wide hysteresis loop are found by ab initio Monte Carlo simulations. A simple analytical model captures qualitatively correctly the main property of the CSS -- a gradual decrease of the superfluid response with increasing pressure.
$^4$He confined in nanoporous Gelsil glass is a unique, strongly correlated Bose system exhibiting quantum phase transition (QPT) by controlling pressure. Previous studies revealed that the QPT occurs with four - dimensional (4D) XY criticality, whic h appears in the zero-temperature limit of the superfluid density. However, the $P-T$ phase diagram also suggested that 4D XY nature appears at finite temperatures. Here, we have determined the critical exponent of the superfluid density of $^4$He in two Gelsil samples that have pore diameter to be about 3 nm, using a newly developed mechanical resonator technique. The critical exponent $zeta$ in the powerlaw fitting $rho_{mathrm s} propto left| 1 - T/T_{mathrm c} right| ^{zeta}$, where $T_{mathrm c}$ is the superfluid transition temperature, was found to be 1.0 $pm$ 0.1 for all pressures realized in this experiment, 0.1 $<$ $P$ $<$ 2.4 MPa. This value of $zeta$ gives a decisive evidence that the finite-temperature superfluid transition belongs to 4D XY universality class. The emergence of the 4D XY criticality is explained by the existence of many nanoscale superfluid droplets, the so called localized Bose - Einstein condensates (LBECs), above $T_{mathrm c}$. Due to the large energy cost for $^4$He atoms to move between the LBECs, the phase of the LBEC order parameters fluctuates not only in spatial (3D) but imaginary time ($+1$D) dimensions, resulting in the 4D XY criticality by a temperature near $T_{mathrm c}$, which is determined by the finite size of the system in the imaginary time dimension. Below $T_{mathrm c}$, macroscopic superfluidity grows in the nanopores of Gelsil by the alignment of the phases of the LBEC order parameters. An excess dissipation peak observed below $T_{mathrm c}$ is well explained by this phase matching process.
We have examined superfluid properties of $^4$He confined to a nano-porous Gelsil glass that has nanopores 2.5 nm in diameter. The pressure-temperature phase diagram was determined by torsional oscillator, heat capacity and pressure studies. The supe rfluid transition temperature $T_{mathrm c}$ approaches zero at 3.4 MPa, indicating a novel quantum superfluid transition. By heat capacity measurements, the nonsuperfluid phase adjacent to the superfluid and solid phases is identified to be a nanometer-scale, localized Bose condensation state, in which global phase coherence is destroyed. At high pressures, the superfluid density has a $T$-linear term, and $T_{mathrm c}$ is proportional to the zero-temperature superfluid density. These results strongly suggest that phase fluctuations in the superfluid order parameter play a dominant role on the phase diagram and superfluid properties.
The dynamic structure factor of superfluid $^4$He has been investigated at very low temperatures by inelastic neutron scattering. The measurements combine different incoming energies resulting in an unprecedentedly large dynamic range with excellent energy resolution, covering wave vectors $Q$ up to 5 AA$^{-1}$ and energies $omega$ up to 15 meV. A detailed description of the dynamics of superfluid $^4$He is obtained from saturated vapor pressure up to solidification. The single-excitation spectrum is substantially modified at high pressures, as the maxon energy exceeds the roton-roton decay threshold. A highly structured multi-excitation spectrum is observed at low energies, where clear thresholds and branches have been identified. Strong phonon emission branches are observed when the phonon or roton group velocities exceed the sound velocity. The spectrum is found to display strong multi-excitations whenever the single-excitations face disintegration following Pitaevskiis type a or b criteria. At intermediate energies, an interesting pattern in the dynamic structure factor is observed in the vicinity of the recoil energy. All these features, which evolve significantly with pressure, are in very good agreement with the Dynamic Many-body calculations, even at the highest densities, where the correlations are strongest.
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