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Sondheimer Oscillation as a Fingerprint of Surface Dirac Fermions

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 نشر من قبل Heon-Jung Kim
 تاريخ النشر 2011
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Topological states of matter challenge the paradigm of symmetry breaking, characterized by gapless boundary modes and protected by the topological property of the ground state. Recently, angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) has revealed that semiconductors of Bi$_{2}$Se$_{3}$ and Bi$_{2}$Te$_{3}$ belong to such a class of materials. Here, we present undisputable evidence for the existence of gapless surface Dirac fermions from transport in Bi$_{2}$Te$_{3}$. We observe Sondheimer oscillation in magnetoresistance (MR). This oscillation originates from the quantization of motion due to the confinement of electrons within the surface layer. Based on Sondheimers transport theory, we determine the thickness of the surface state from the oscillation data. In addition, we uncover the topological nature of the surface state, fitting consistently both the non-oscillatory part of MR and the Hall resistance. The side-jump contribution turns out to dominate around 1 T in Hall resistance while the Berry-curvature effect dominates in 3 T $sim$ 4 T.

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Despite the fact that 1111-type iron arsenides hold the record transition temperature of iron-based superconductors, their electronic structures have not been studied much because of the lack of high-quality single crystals. In this study, we complet ely determine the Fermi surface in the antiferromagnetic state of CaFeAsF, a 1111 iron-arsenide parent compound, by performing quantum oscillation measurements and band-structure calculations. The determined Fermi surface consists of a symmetry-related pair of Dirac electron cylinders and a normal hole cylinder. From analyses of quantum-oscillation phases, we demonstrate that the electron cylinders carry a nontrivial Berry phase $pi$. The carrier density is of the order of 10$^{-3}$ per Fe. This unusual metallic state with the extremely small carrier density is a consequence of the previously discussed topological feature of the band structure which prevents the antiferromagnetic gap from being a full gap. We also report a nearly linear-in-$B$ magnetoresistance and an anomalous resistivity increase above about 30 T for $B parallel c$, the latter of which is likely related to the quantum limit of the electron orbit. Intriguingly, the electrical resistivity exhibits a nonmetallic temperature dependence in the paramagnetic tetragonal phase ($T >$ 118 K), which may suggest an incoherent state. Our study provides a detailed knowledge of the Fermi surface in the antiferromagnetic state of 1111 parent compounds and moreover opens up a new possibility to explore Dirac-fermion physics in those compounds.
The large anisotropy in the electronic properties across a structural transition in several correlated systems has been identified as the key manifestation of electronic nematic order, breaking rotational symmetry. In this context, FeSe is attracting tremendous interest, since electronic nematicity develops over a wide range of temperatures, allowing accurate experimental investigation. Here we combine angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy and theoretical calculations based on a realistic multi-orbital model to unveil the microscopic mechanism responsible for the evolution of the electronic structure of FeSe across the nematic transition. We show that the self-energy corrections due to the exchange of spin fluctuations between hole and electron pockets are responsible for an orbital-dependent shrinking of the Fermi Surface that affects mainly the $xz/yz$ parts of the Fermi surface. This result is consistent with our experimental observation of the Fermi Surface in the high-temperature tetragonal phase, that includes the $xy$ electron sheet that was not clearly resolved before. In the low-temperature nematic phase, we experimentally confirm the appearance of a large ($sim$ 50meV) $xz/yz$ splittings. It can be well reproduced in our model by assuming a moderate splitting between spin fluctuations along the $x$ and $y$ crystallographic directions. Our mechanism shows how the full entanglement between orbital and spin degrees of freedom can make a spin-driven nematic transition equivalent to an effective orbital order.
We show that annihilating a pair of Dirac fermions implies a topological transition from the critical semi-metallic phase to an Obstructed Atomic Limit (OAL) insulator phase instead of a trivial insulator. This is shown to happen because of branch-cu ts in the phase of the wave functions, leading to non trivial Zak phase along certain directions. To this end, we study their Z$_2$ invariant and also study the phase transition using Entanglement Entropy. We use low energy Hamiltonians and numerical result from model systems to show this effect. These transitions are observed in realistic materials including strained graphene and buckled honeycomb group-V (Sb/As).
213 - M. Horio , C. E. Matt , K. Kramer 2018
Relativistic massless Dirac fermions can be probed with high-energy physics experiments, but appear also as low-energy quasi-particle excitations in electronic band structures. In condensed matter systems, their massless nature can be protected by cr ystal symmetries. Classification of such symmetry-protected relativistic band degeneracies has been fruitful, although many of the predicted quasi-particles still await their experimental discovery. Here we reveal, using angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy, the existence of two-dimensional type-II Dirac fermions in the high-temperature superconductor La$_{1.77}$Sr$_{0.23}$CuO$_4$. The Dirac point, constituting the crossing of $d_{x^2-y^2}$ and $d_{z^2}$ bands, is found approximately one electronvolt below the Fermi level ($E_mathrm{F}$) and is protected by mirror symmetry. If spin-orbit coupling is considered, the Dirac point degeneracy is lifted and the bands acquire a topologically non-trivial character. In certain nickelate systems, band structure calculations suggest that the same type-II Dirac fermions can be realised near $E_mathrm{F}$.
We show that a class of compounds with $I$4/$mcm$ crystalline symmetry hosts three-dimensional semi-Dirac fermions. Unlike the known two-dimensional semi-Dirac points, the degeneracy of these three-dimensional semi-Dirac points is not lifted by spin- orbit coupling due to the protection by a nonsymmorphic symmetry -- screw rotation in the $a-b$ plane and a translation along the $c$ axis. This crystalline symmetry is found in tetragonal perovskite oxides, realizable in thin films by epitaxial strain that results in a$^0$a$^0$c$^-$-type octahedral rotation. Interestingly, with broken time-reversal symmetry, two pairs of Weyl points emerge from the semi-Dirac points within the Brillouin zone, and an additional lattice distortion leads to enhanced intrinsic anomalous Hall effect. We discuss possible fingerprints of this symmetry-protected band topology in electronic transport experiments.
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