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Absolute Flux Calibration of the IRAC Instrument on the Spitzer Space Telescope using Hubble Space Telescope Flux Standards

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 نشر من قبل Karl D. Gordon
 تاريخ النشر 2011
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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The absolute flux calibration of the James Webb Space Telescope will be based on a set of stars observed by the Hubble and Spitzer Space Telescopes. In order to cross-calibrate the two facilities, several A, G, and white dwarf (WD) stars are observed with both Spitzer and Hubble and are the prototypes for a set of JWST calibration standards. The flux calibration constants for the four Spitzer IRAC bands 1-4 are derived from these stars and are 2.3, 1.9, 2.0, and 0.5% lower than the official cold-mission IRAC calibration of Reach et al. (2005), i.e. in agreement within their estimated errors of ~2%. The causes of these differences lie primarily in the IRAC data reduction and secondarily in the SEDs of our standard stars. The independent IRAC 8 micron band-4 fluxes of Rieke et al. (2008) are about 1.5 +/- 2% higher than those of Reach et al. and are also in agreement with our 8 micron result.

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The Infrared Array Camera (IRAC) on the Spitzer Space Telescope is absolutely calibrated by comparing photometry on a set of A stars near the north ecliptic pole to predictions based on ground-based observations and a stellar atmosphere model. The br ightness of point sources is calibrated to an accuracy of 3%, relative to models for A star stellar atmospheres, for observations performed and analyzed in the same manner as the calibration stars. This includes corrections for location of the star in the array and the location if the centroid within the peak pixel. Long-term stability of the IRAC photometry was measured by monitoring the brightness of A dwarfs and K giants (near the north ecliptic pole) observed several times per month; the photometry is stable to 1.5% (rms) over a year. Intermediate-time-scale stability of the IRAC photometry was measured by monitoring at least one secondary calibrator (near the ecliptic plane) every 12 hr while IRAC is in nominal operations; the intermediate-term photometry is stable with a 1% dispersion (rms). One of the secondary calibrators was found to have significantly time-variable (5%) mid-infrared emission, with period (7.4 days) matching the optical light curve; it is possibly a Cepheid variable.
The Hubble Space Telescope (HST) has been the most impactful science-driven mission ever flown by NASA. However, when HST reaches the end of its life, there will be a void due to the loss of some of the science capabilities afforded by HST to astrono mers world-wide. The previous 2010 Decadal Survey (DS) noted this void, arguing for the need for a successor to HST with UV capabilities in three separate places in the main report (pp. 190, 203, and 220). The large strategic missions that will follow HST, namely JWST and WFIRST, will continue to spark the interest of the public in space-based astronomy. In order to ensure continued US preeminence in the arena of large space-based astrophysics missions, and a seamless transition after WFIRST, a future flagship mission must be waiting in the wings. Anticipating this need, NASA initiated four large strategic mission concept studies (HabEx, LUVOIR, Lynx, and Origins), which have mature designs, including detailed technology assessments and development plans. Two of these concepts, HabEx and LUVOIR, are responsive to the recommendations of the previous DS regarding a UV-capable mission. Both are more powerful successors to HST, with UV-to-optical capabilities that range from significant enhancements to orders-of-magnitude improvement. At the same time, technological and scientific advances over the past decade only now make it feasible to marry such a mission with one that can search for life outside the solar system. Acknowledging that the constraints that the Astro2020 DS must consider may be difficult to anticipate, the HabEx and LUVOIR studies present eleven different variants, each of which enable groundbreaking science, including the direct imaging and characterization of exoplanets. The HabEx and LUVOIR mission studies offer a full suite of options to the Astro2020 DS, with corresponding flexibility in budgeting and phasing.
The coronagraphic instrument currently proposed for the WFIRST-AFTA mission will be the first example of a space-based coronagraph optimized for extremely high contrasts that are required for the direct imaging of exoplanets reflecting the light of t heir host star. While the design of this instrument is still in progress, this early stage of development is a particularly beneficial time to consider the operation of such an instrument. In this paper, we review current or planned operations on the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) and the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) with a focus on which operational aspects will have relevance to the planned WFIRST-AFTA coronagraphic instrument. We identify five key aspects of operations that will require attention: 1) detector health and evolution, 2) wavefront control, 3) observing strategies/post-processing, 4) astrometric precision/target acquisition, and 5) polarimetry. We make suggestions on a path forward for each of these items.
Over the past two decades, thousands of confirmed exoplanets have been detected; the next major challenge is to characterize these other worlds and their stellar systems. Much information on the composition and formation of exoplanets and circumstell ar debris disks can only be achieved via direct imaging. Direct imaging is challenging because of the small angular separations ($<1$ arcsec) and high star-to-planet flux ratios (${sim}10^{9}$ for a Jupiter analog or ${sim}10^{10}$ for an Earth analog in the visible). Atmospheric turbulence prohibits reaching such high flux ratios on the ground, so observations must be made above the Earths atmosphere. The Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope (Roman), set to launch in the mid-2020s, will be the first space-based observatory to demonstrate high-contrast imaging with active wavefront control using its Coronagraph Instrument. The instruments main purpose is to mature the various technologies needed for a future flagship mission to image and characterize Earth-like exoplanets. These technologies include two high-actuator-count deformable mirrors, photon-counting detectors, two complementary wavefront sensing and control loops, and two different coronagraph types. In this paper, we describe the complete set of flight coronagraph mask designs and their intended combinations in the Roman Coronagraph Instrument. There are three types of mask configurations included: a primary one designed to meet the instruments top-level requirement, three that are supported on a best-effort basis, and several unsupported ones contributed by the NASA Exoplanet Exploration Program. The unsupported mask configurations could be commissioned and used if the instrument is approved for operations after its initial technology demonstration phase.
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