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Local contact numbers in two dimensional packings of frictional disks

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 نشر من قبل Silke Henkes
 تاريخ النشر 2009
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We analyze the local structure of two dimensional packings of frictional disks numerically. We focus on the fractions x_i of particles that are in contact with i neighbors, and systematically vary the confining pressure p and friction coefficient mu. We find that for all mu, the fractions x_i exhibit powerlaw scaling with p, which allows us to obtain an accurate estimate for x_i at zero pressure. We uncover how these zero pressure fractions x_i vary with mu, and introduce a simple model that captures most of this variation. We also probe the correlations between the contact numbers of neighboring particles.

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105 - F. Xiong , P. Wang , A. H. Clark 2019
We compare the structural and mechanical properties of mechanically stable (MS) packings of frictional disks in two spatial dimensions (2D) generated with isotropic compression and simple shear protocols from discrete element modeling (DEM) simulatio ns. We find that the average contact number and packing fraction at jamming onset are similar (with relative deviations $< 0.5%$) for MS packings generated via compression and shear. In contrast, the average stress anisotropy $langle {hat Sigma}_{xy} rangle = 0$ for MS packings generated via isotropic compression, whereas $langle {hat Sigma}_{xy} rangle >0$ for MS packings generated via simple shear. To investigate the difference in the stress state of MS packings, we develop packing-generation protocols to first unjam the MS packings, remove the frictional contacts, and then rejam them. Using these protocols, we are able to obtain rejammed packings with nearly identical particle positions and stress anisotropy distributions compared to the original jammed packings. However, we find that when we directly compare the original jammed packings and rejammed ones, there are finite stress anisotropy deviations $Delta {hat Sigma}_{xy}$. The deviations are smaller than the stress anisotropy fluctuations obtained by enumerating the force solutions within the null space of the contact networks generated via the DEM simulations. These results emphasize that even though the compression and shear jamming protocols generate packings with the same contact networks, there can be residual differences in the normal and tangential forces at each contact, and thus differences in the stress anisotropy.
Simulated granular packings with different particle friction coefficient mu are examined. The distribution of the particle-particle and particle-wall normal and tangential contact forces P(f) are computed and compared with existing experimental data. Here f equivalent to F/F-bar is the contact force F normalized by the average value F-bar. P(f) exhibits exponential-like decay at large forces, a plateau/peak near f = 1, with additional features at forces smaller than the average that depend on mu. Computations of the force-force spatial distribution function and the contact point radial distribution function indicate that correlations between forces are only weakly dependent on friction and decay rapidly beyond approximately three particle diameters. Distributions of the particle-particle contact angles show that the contact network is not isotropic and only weakly dependent on friction. High force-bearing structures, or force chains, do not play a dominant role in these three dimensional, unloaded packings.
We perform computational studies of repulsive, frictionless disks to investigate the development of stress anisotropy in mechanically stable (MS) packings. We focus on two protocols for generating MS packings: 1) isotropic compression and 2) applied simple or pure shear strain $gamma$ at fixed packing fraction $phi$. MS packings of frictionless disks occur as geometric families (i.e. parabolic segments with positive curvature) in the $phi$-$gamma$ plane. MS packings from protocol 1 populate parabolic segments with both signs of the slope, $dphi/dgamma >0$ and $dphi/dgamma <0$. In contrast, MS packings from protocol 2 populate segments with $dphi/dgamma <0$ only. For both simple and pure shear, we derive a relationship between the stress anisotropy and dilatancy $dphi/dgamma$ obeyed by MS packings along geometrical families. We show that for MS packings prepared using isotropic compression, the stress anisotropy distribution is Gaussian centered at zero with a standard deviation that decreases with increasing system size. For shear jammed MS packings, the stress anisotropy distribution is a convolution of Weibull distributions that depend on strain, which has a nonzero average and standard deviation in the large-system limit. We also develop a framework to calculate the stress anisotropy distribution for packings generated via protocol 2 in terms of the stress anisotropy distribution for packings generated via protocol 1. These results emphasize that for repulsive frictionless disks, different packing-generation protocols give rise to different MS packing probabilities, which lead to differences in macroscopic properties of MS packings.
We investigate the mechanical response of packings of purely repulsive, frictionless disks to quasistatic deformations. The deformations include simple shear strain at constant packing fraction and at constant pressure, polydispersity strain (in whic h we change the particle size distribution) at constant packing fraction and at constant pressure, and isotropic compression. For each deformation, we show that there are two classes of changes in the interparticle contact networks: jump changes and point changes. Jump changes occur when a contact network becomes mechanically unstable, particles rearrange, and the potential energy (when the strain is applied at constant packing fraction) or enthalpy (when the strain is applied at constant pressure) and all derivatives are discontinuous. During point changes, a single contact is either added to or removed from the contact network. For repulsive linear spring interactions, second- and higher-order derivatives of the potential energy/enthalpy are discontinuous at a point change, while for Hertzian interactions, third- and higher-order derivatives of the potential energy/enthalpy are discontinuous. We illustrate the importance of point changes by studying the transition from a hexagonal crystal to a disordered crystal induced by applying polydispersity strain. During this transition, the system only undergoes point changes, with no jump changes. We emphasize that one must understand point changes, as well as jump changes, to predict the mechanical properties of jammed packings.
The mechanical strength and flow of granular materials can depend strongly on the shapes of individual grains. We report quantitative results obtained from photoelasticimetry experiments on locally loaded, quasi-two-dimensional granular packings of e ither disks or pentagons exhibiting stick-slip dynamics. Packings of pentagons resist the intruder at significantly lower packing fractions than packings of disks, transmitting stresses from the intruder to the boundaries over a smaller spatial extent. Moreover, packings of pentagons feature significantly fewer back-bending force chains than packings of disks. Data obtained on the forward spatial extent of stresses and back-bending force chains collapse when the packing fraction is rescaled according to the packing fraction of steady state open channel formation, though data on intruder forces and dynamics do not collapse. We comment on the influence of system size on these findings and highlight connections with the dynamics of the disks and pentagons during slip events.
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