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Ionic mixtures in two dimensions: from crystals to chain and dipole gases

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 نشر من قبل Lahcen Assoud LA
 تاريخ النشر 2009
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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The ground state of a two-dimensional ionic mixture composed of oppositely charged spheres is determined as a function of the size asymmetry by using a penalty method. The cascade of stable structures includes square, triangular and rhombic crystals as well as a dipolar pair gas and a gas of one-dimensional crystalline chains. Thereby we confirm the square structure, found experimentally on charged granulates, and predict new phases detectable in experiments on granular and colloidal matter.

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اقرأ أيضاً

The zero-temperature phase diagram of binary mixtures of particles interacting via a screened Coulomb pair potential is calculated as a function of composition and charge ratio. The potential energy obtained by a Lekner summation is minimized among a variety of candidate two-dimensional crystals. A wealth of different stable crystal structures is identified including $A,B,AB_2, A_2B, AB_4$ structures [$A$ $(B)$ particles correspond to large (small) charge.] Their elementary cells consist of triangular, square or rhombic lattices of the $A$ particles with a basis comprising various structures of $A$ and $B$ particles. For small charge asymmetry there are no intermediate crystals besides the pure $A$ and $B$ triangular crystals.
229 - E. Thoms , P. Sippel , D. Reuter 2017
Ionic liquids are promising candidates for electrolytes in energy-storage systems. We demonstrate that mixing two ionic liquids allows to precisely tune their physical properties, like the dc conductivity. Moreover, these mixtures enable the gradual modification of the fragility parameter, which is believed to be a measure of the complexity of the energy landscape in supercooled liquids. The physical origin of this index is still under debate; therefore, mixing ionic liquids can provide further insights. From the chemical point of view, tuning ionic liquids via mixing is an easy and thus an economic way. For this study, we performed detailed investigations by broadband dielectric spectroscopy and differential scanning calorimetry on two mixing series of ionic liquids. One series combines an imidazole based with a pyridine based ionic liquid and the other two different anions in an imidazole based ionic liquid. The analysis of the glass-transition temperatures and the thorough evaluations of the measured dielectric permittivity and conductivity spectra reveal that the dynamics in mixtures of ionic liquids are well defined by the fractions of their parent compounds.
153 - S. Kondrat , M. Bier , L. Harnau 2010
Bulk properties of ionic liquid crystals are investigated using density functional theory. The liquid crystal molecules are represented by ellipsoidal particles with charges located in their center or at their tails. Attractive interactions are taken into account in terms of the Gay-Berne pair potential. Rich phase diagrams involving vapor, isotropic and nematic liquid, as well as smectic phases are found. The dependence of the phase behavior on various parameters such as the length of the particles and the location of charges on the particles is studied.
Previous theoretical studies of calamitic (i.e., rod-like) ionic liquid crystals (ILCs) based on an effective one-species model led to indications of a novel smectic-A phase with a layer spacing being much larger than the length of the mesogenic (i.e ., liquid-crystal forming) ions. In order to rule out the possibility that this wide smectic-A phase is merely an artifact caused by the one-species approximation, we investigate an extension which accounts explicitly for cations and anions in ILCs. Our present findings, obtained by grand canonical Monte Carlo simulations, show that the phase transitions between the isotropic and the smectic-A phases of the cation-anion system are in qualitative agreement with the effective one-species model used in the preceding studies. In particular, for ILCs with mesogenes (i.e., liquid-crystal forming species) carrying charged sites at their tips, the wide smectic-A phase forms, at low temperatures and within an intermediate density range, in between the isotropic and a hexagonal crystal phase. We find that in the ordinary smectic-A phase the spatial distribution of the counterions of the mesogens is approximately uniform, whereas in the wide smectic-A phase the small counterions accumulate in between the smectic layers. Due to this phenomenology the wide smectic-A phase could be interesting for applications which hinge on the presence of conductivity channels for mobile ions.
We consider a two-component Bose gas in two dimensions at low temperature with short-range repulsive interaction. In the coexistence phase where both components are superfluid, inter-species interactions induce a nondissipative drag between the two s uperfluid flows (Andreev-Bashkin effect). We show that this behavior leads to a modification of the usual Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless (BKT) transition in two dimensions. We extend the renormalization of the superfluid densities at finite temperature using the renormalization group approach and find that the vortices of one component have a large influence on the superfluid properties of the other, mediated by the nondissipative drag. The extended BKT flow equations indicate that the occurrence of the vortex unbinding transition in one of the components can induce the breakdown of superfluidity also in the other, leading to a locking phenomenon for the critical temperatures of the two gases.
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