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Charged MSSM Higgs Bosons at CMS: Reach and Parameter Dependence

139   0   0.0 ( 0 )
 نشر من قبل Sven Heinemeyer
 تاريخ النشر 2008
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English

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We review the analysis of the 5 sigma discovery contours for the charged MSSM Higgs boson at the CMS experiment with 30 fb^-1 for the two cases M_H+ < m_t and M_H+ > m_t. Latest results for the CMS experimental sensitivities based on full simulation studies are combined with state-of-the-art theoretical predictions of MSSM Higgs-boson production and decay properties. Special focus is put on the SUSY parameter dependence of the 5 sigma contours. The variation of mu can shift the prospective discovery reach in tan_beta by up to Delta tan_beta = 40. We furthermore discuss various theory uncertainties on the signal cross section and branching ratio calculations. In order to arrive at a reliable interpretation of a signal of the charged MSSM Higgs boson at the LHC a strong reduction in the relevant theory uncertainties will be necessary.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

We review the 5 sigma discovery contours for the charged MSSM Higgs boson at the CMS experiment with 30/fb for the two cases M_H+ < m_t and M_H+ > m_t. In order to analyze the search reach we combine the latest results for the CMS experimental sensit ivities based on full simulation studies with state-of-the-art theoretical predictions of MSSM Higgs-boson production and decay properties. Special emphasis is put on the SUSY parameter dependence of the 5 sigma contours. The variation of $mu$ can shift the prospective discovery reach in tan_beta by up to Delta tan_beta = 40.
149 - M.M. Muhlleitner 2001
Future $gammagamma$ colliders allow the production of the heavy neutral MSSM Higgs bosons $H$ and $A$ as single resonances. The prospects of finding these particles in the $bbar{b}$ and the neutralino-pair final states have been analysed. The $H,A$ b osons can be discovered for medium values of $tanbeta$ with masses up to 70--80% of the initial $e^pm e^-$ c.m. energy. This production mode thus covers parts of the supersymmetric parameter space that are not accessible at other colliders.
We suggest a new CPX-derived scenario for the search of strangephilic MSSM Higgs bosons at the Tevatron and the LHC, in which all neutral and charged Higgs bosons decay predominantly into pairs of strange quarks and into a strange and a charm quark, respectively. The proposed scenario is realized within a particular region of the MSSM parameter space and requires large values of tan(beta), where threshold radiative corrections are significant to render the effective strange-quark Yukawa coupling dominant. Experimental searches for neutral Higgs bosons based on the identification of b-quark jets or tau leptons may miss a strangephilic Higgs boson and its existence could be inferred indirectly by searching for hadronically decaying charged Higgs bosons. Potential strategies and experimental challenges to search for strangephilic Higgs bosons at the Tevatron and the LHC are discussed.
We investigate the possibility of detecting the Higgs bosons predicted in the Minimal Supersymmetric extension of the Standard Model $(h^0, H^0, A^0, H^pm)$, with the reactions $e^{+}e^{-}to bbar b h^0 (H^0, A^0)$, and $e^+e^-to tau^-bar u_tau H^+, tau^+ u_tau H^-$, using the helicity formalism. We analyze the region of parameter space $(m_{A^0}-tanbeta)$ where $h^0, H^0, A^0$ and $H^pm$ could be detected in the limit when $tanbeta$ is large. The numerical computation is done considering two stages of a possible Next Linear $e^{+}e^{-}$ Collider: the first with $sqrt{s}=500$ $GeV$ and design luminosity 50 $fb^{-1}$, and the second with $sqrt{s}=1$ $TeV$ and luminosity 100-200 $fb^{-1}$.
A very light (GeV scale) dark gauge boson ($Z$) is a recently highlighted hypothetical particle that can address some astrophysical anomalies as well as the $3.6 sigma$ deviation in the muon $g$-2 measurement. We suggest top quark decays as a venue t o search for light dark force carriers at the LHC. Such $Z$s can be easily boosted, and they can decay into highly collimated leptons (lepton-jet) with large branching ratio. We investigate a scenario where a top quark decays to $b W$ accompanied by one or multiple dark force carriers and find that such a scenario could be easily probed at the early stage of LHC Run 2.
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