A comparison of atomistic and continuum theoretical approaches to determine electronic properties of GaN/AlN quantum dots

الملخص بالإنكليزية

In this work we present a comparison of multiband k.p-models, the effective bond-orbital approach, and an empirical tight-binding model to calculate the electronic structure for the example of a truncated pyramidal GaN/AlN self-assembled quantum dot with a zincblende structure. For the system under consideration, we find a very good agreement between the results of the microscopic models and the 8-band k.p-formalism, in contrast to a 6+2-band k.p-model, where conduction band and valence band are assumed to be decoupled. This indicates a surprisingly strong coupling between conduction and valence band states for the wide band gap materials GaN and AlN. Special attention is paid to the possible influence of the weak spin-orbit coupling on the localized single-particle wave functions of the investigated structure.

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